佳士得拍賣上那隻泰迪熊、燃燒殆盡的李奧納多,還有犀牛的背上到底有哪些傢具?這些可能是我們對瑞士藝術家Urs Fischer僅有的印象。但其實在2019年 Urs Fischer和Louis Vuitton就有過第一次合作,當時他僅憑矽膠製成的蔬果便將那只Artycapucines變得更加豐富與玩味,並且成功收服眾人和Louis Vuitton目光,進而造就此次「Louis Vuitton x Urs Fischer」完整系列的合作。

在系列中Urs Fischer企圖展現出他大膽的玩心和天馬行空的想像力,重新顛覆我們對Louis Vuitton Monogram的印象,同時為整個系列劃下嶄新的開始。自1896年Georges Vuitton成立Louis Vuitton以來,只有極少藝術家完全重新加工Monogram,而Ursh Fischer此次以全新「素描記憶」手繪出全新的Monogram,以紅黑與黑白兩種配色貫穿,並隨著身體輪廓飄盪與舞動於全系列的服飾、鞋履和配件之間。

經過全新Monogram和tuffetage詮釋及處理的七款特別包款,Keepall、Cabas、Onthego,以及Neverfull、 Speedy、Pochettes Accessoire各兩款,還有迷人的化妝箱,展現出令人深刻的獨特效果及天鵝絨般柔軟觸感。
為了展現系列的完整與創意,Urs Fischer除了為Louis Vuitton門店創造出完整的視覺宇宙,更打造一系列的角色,香蕉皮裡睡覺的貓、遇上雞蛋的酪梨、擁抱燈泡的貓和帶著桃子的鳥,等著我們於櫥窗、數位與社群媒體上和牠們來場奇妙的相遇。

Lamp/Bear in the christie's, the burnt-out Leonardo, and what kind of furniture was on the back of the rhino? These may be our deepest impressions of the Swiss artist Urs Fischer. In fact, in 2019, Urs Fischer and Louis Vuitton had their first collaboration. At that time, he made the Artycapucines plentiful and more interesting with the fruits and vegetables made of silicone. He also successfully captured everyone and Louis Vuitton's eyes, thus creating The "Louis Vuitton x Urs Fischer" collection.
In the collection, Urs Fischer tried to show his playfully and audacious creative, to re-subvert our impression of Louis Vuitton Monogram, and at the same time set a new beginning for the entire collection. Only a few artists completely refashion the House's iconic pattern since its creation in 1896 by Georges Vuitton.

Fischer has reappropriated the Monogram's flowers and LV initials in new hand-drawn versions that he calls "memory sketches". Running through in red and black and black and white colours, and following the body contours. Drifting and dancing among the entire collection of ready-to-wear, shoes and accessories.
After the new Monogram and tuffetage interpretation and processing of seven special bags, Keepall, Cabas, Onthego, and Neverfulls, Speedys, Pochettes Accessoire, and a charming, hard-sided beauty cascosmetic case, showing impressive and unique effects And velvety soft touch.
To showcase the sheer scale and creative ambition of the collaboration, Urs Fischer devised a complete visual universe for the Louis Vuitton store and created a series of characters. For instance, a cat sleeps in a banana skin, an avocado meeting an egg, a cat holding a light bulb, and a bird holding a peach. If you are interested in this fantastic collaboration, you can quickly join this remarkable journey from Louis Vuitton through the store's window and social media.