法國時裝豪門Louis Vuitton 從1854年成立以來,就因為卓越的品質、高級的生活態度受到全世界的青睞。而時隔166年,在科技發達的當代,Louis Vuitton 再次展現來自法國的時尚實力,一口氣推出多種商品,從實體到虛擬,每一樣都再次讓驚豔,原來這個歷史悠久的時尚品牌之所以能佔據市場寶座,原來是把人與人之間的連結透過時尚再次表述。

HORIZON Black and Neon Green耳機
Louis Vuitton Horizon耳機是由男裝藝術總監Virgil Abloh操刀設計,外觀為了呼應Louis Vuitton男裝設計,以消光黑色醋酸纖維機身搭配螢光綠,點綴品牌標誌細節的Monogram花朵圖案。充電盒外形是擷取自Tambour Horizon腕錶的造型設計,搭載與第二代Louis Vuitton Horizon耳機相同的技術,不僅能抗噪,還能儲存連續運作 30 個小時的電力。

包包那本Louis Vuitton City Guide 現在已經能夠輕鬆轉換到你每天隨身的手機、平板上!隨著 iOS 14 的推出,從今天開始,Apple 使用者可以從Louis Vuitton City Guide 的「24 Hours in…」(一日遊)探索 32 座城市的熱門必去景點。
這個時尚應用程式經 Apple 評選為「最佳旅遊應用程式」,且從 10 月 22 日起,提供了法文、英文和中文三個不同的語言。除此之外,這個應用程式也增加了新的行程指南功能,讓使用者可以透過 Travel Book 素描本和 Fashion Eye 相簿,仔細品嚐這個法國時裝豪們出版的世界。

《英雄聯盟》全球總決賽正式開打。Louis Vuitton 同時間也訂製了全球首款電競冠軍賽專用行李箱,並在 2019 年,在巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔首度亮相,並結合了路易威登的傳統工藝與取材自《英雄聯盟》的嶄新高科技元素。Riot Games全球電競合作夥伴總監Naz Aletaha表示: 「Louis Vuitton曾經為許多世界頂級體育賽事的獎盃製作尊榮行李箱,我們很榮幸這一次能為召喚師盃效勞。」
時尚之所以可以造成風潮,其實並不是它五光十色的外表,而是人們內心的寄託。從這次Louis Vuitton推出的種種商品看來,若每一顆寂寞芳心都能得到救贖,那麼不管推出什麼樣的周邊商品,時尚這件事就是這個世界上最美好的事。
Life is sometimes like a movie. When you stare at the screen and watch the story and emotions conveyed by the director and actors, our minds will also subconsciously reflect our dream. Perhaps this is the expression of the so-called lifestyle, which is why many fashion brands while launching fashion collections, are also committed to injecting the brand's insisted style into every life's life.
Since its establishment in 1854, French fashion house Louis Vuitton has been favoured by the world because of its excellent quality and high-end lifestyle. And after a lapse of 166 years, in the modern age of advanced technology, Louis Vuitton once again demonstrated the strength of fashion from France, launching a variety of products in one breath, from physical to virtual, everything once again amazed. The reason why this long-established fashion brand can occupy the throne of the market, it turns out that the connection between people is re-expressed through fashion.

HORIZON Black and Neon Green earphones
The Louis Vuitton Horizon earphones are designed by Virgil Abloh, the menswear creative director. The appearance is designed to match the Louis Vuitton menswear design. The matte black acetate body is matched with fluorescent green and embellished with the Monogram flower pattern of the brand logo details. The shape of the charging box is extracted from the design of the Tambour Horizon watch. It is equipped with the same technology as the second edition Louis Vuitton Horizon earphones. It not only resists noise but also stores electricity for 30 hours of continuous operation.

The Louis Vuitton City Guide in your bag can now be easily converted to the mobile phone and tablet you carry with you every day! With the launch of iOS 14, starting today, Apple users can explore the popular must-see attractions in 32 cities from the "24 Hours in..." of Louis Vuitton City Guide.
This fashion app was voted 'Best Travel App' by Apple, and from October 22nd, it will be available in three different languages: French, English and Chinese. This app has also added a new itinerary guide function, allowing users to enjoy the world published by French fashion magnates through the Travel Book sketchbook and Fashion Eye album.
"League of Legends" Trophy Travel Case
"League of Legends" global finals officially opened. At the same time, Louis Vuitton also customized the world’s first e-sports championship-specific luggage, and in 2019, it debuted at the Eiffel Tower in Paris for the first time and combined the traditional craftsmanship of Louis Vuitton with materials derived from "League of Legends" New high-tech elements. Naz Aletaha, Riot Games’ Global E-sports Partner Director, said: “Louis Vuitton has a tradition of honouring the most prestigious trophies in the
world of sports and we are honoured that the Summoner’s Cup is no exception.”
The reason why fashion can cause a trend is not its vivid appearance, but the sustenance what people need. From the various products launched by Louis Vuitton this time, if every lonely heart can be redeemed, then no matter what kind of products had launched, how much they cost. Fashion is still the best thing in the world because people need it.