歐美戲劇類的最高殿堂艾美獎 (Emmy Awards) 已經正式結束,對於許多演員而言,今年不管是在電影的大螢幕,還是電視或數位串流上的螢幕表現,只要有有作品繼續被大家看見,那麼不管環境再怎麼嚴峻,應該都可以支撐自己度過這個娛樂圈寒冬吧!
法國知名品牌Louis Vuitton 這次沒有因為疫情在紅毯上受到影響,這次第72屆的艾美獎,總共有三位男演員以及一位影后在紅毯上展現法式優雅。若你還沒看過這些影集,那麼不妨先透過他們四位在紅毯的表現,來排定自己未來的觀看清單。
Emmy Awards, the highest drama category in the Western, has officially ended. For many actors, this year, whether it is on the big screen of the movie, or the screen performance on TV or streaming. As long as their works continue to be watched, then no matter how difficult the environment is, we could all survive in this entertainment industry winter.
However, the French fashion house Louis Vuitton seems not affected by the pandemic. At the 72nd Emmy Awards red carpet, there are three actors and an award-winning actress showcased their elegance and style alongside with this French brand. If you haven't watched their series, you might as well plan your future watching list through their performance on the red carpet.

Paul Mescal
知名男演員保羅麥斯卡Paul Mescal,以「正常人」入圍最佳迷你影集/電視電影男主角。身著路易威登2020秋冬系列西裝出席第72屆艾美獎。
Paul Mescal is wearing a suit from the Autumn/Winter 2020 collection as well as a shirt and leather shoes at the 72nd Emmy Awards. He is nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for “Normal People”.

Jeremy Pope
知名男演員傑瑞米波普Jeremy Pope,以「好萊塢」入圍最佳迷你影集/電視電影男主角。身著路易威登LV²系列西裝出席第72屆艾美獎。
Jeremy Pope is wearing a suit from the LV2 collection at the 72nd Emmy Awards.
Jeremy Pope is nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for “Hollywood”.

Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
知名男演員葉海亞·阿巴杜-馬汀二世Yahya Abdul-Mateen II,以「守護者」入圍最佳迷你劇集男配角。身著路易威登2020秋冬系列西裝與配件出席第72屆艾美獎。
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is wearing a suit from the Autumn/Winter 2020 Collection, as well as a shirt, sunglasses and leather shoes at the 72nd Emmy Awards.
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series for “Watchmen”.

Reese Witherspoon
好萊塢知名女演員瑞絲·薇斯朋Reese Witherspoon身著路易威登2020秋冬系列洋裝出席第72屆艾美獎,搭配路易威登高級珠寶系列Lune Bleu白金鑲崁藍寶石與鑽石耳環與戒指及Astre Rouge白金鑲嵌紅寶石與鑽石手環。
Reese Witherspoon is wearing a dress from the Autumn/Winter 2020 collection, “Lune Bleue” earrings and ring in white gold, sapphires and diamonds and an “Astre Rouge” bracelet in white gold, with a ruby and diamonds from the Louis Vuitton High Jewelry Collection