Dylan TangOct 31, 2023【Cover Story】Lala Hsu Loves Music and Knows The Meaning of Life/ 愛是回饋與承擔 徐佳瑩的音樂之路
Dylan TangOct 23, 2023【Cover Story】What A Band! Wasia Project is So Honest and Exciting/ Wasia Project 的音樂誠實且令人興奮
Dylan TangOct 23, 2023【封面人物】Wasia Project 的音樂誠實且令人興奮/ What A Band! Wasia Project is So Honest and Exciting
Dylan TangOct 16, 2023【Cover Story】Being Himself, Wang Po-Chieh Knows Unconditional Love/ 無私的愛 王柏傑做回真正的自己
Dylan TangAug 2, 2023【封面人物】與生俱來的搖滾魂 Miles Kane 盡全力表演/ Born to be A Rockstar, Miles Kane is the One We Desire
Dylan TangJun 12, 2023【封面人物】Cameron Chapman 超自然偵探的愛/ The Meaning of Supernatural Love by Cameron Chapman
Boba TsengMay 31, 2023【影片】臺客雜誌 ISSUE14 封面人物- 楊乃文/ 【Video】TAIKER Magazine ISSUE14 Cover Star- Nai-Wen YANG
Boba TsengMay 4, 2023【封面人物】愛情就像一種生物性的直覺 楊乃文最率性的告白/ Love is Like a Biological Intuition, YANG Nai-Wen’s Most Frank Confes
Dylan TangOct 31, 2022【臺客專訪】赤裸的文字 石知田自我存在的意義/ The Meaning of Words, Chihtian Shih Unveiled His Secret
Dylan TangOct 5, 2022【TAIKER Man】 In the Parallel Universe, Jay Lycurgo Finds His Actual Self/ Jay Lycurgo 在平行宇宙中找到真我
Dylan TangOct 5, 2022【臺客專訪】Jay Lycurgo 在平行宇宙中找到真我/ In the Parallel Universe, Jay Lycurgo Finds His Actual Self
Dylan TangAug 16, 2022【封面人物】撒下皎潔月光 Alfie Templeman 初登場/ The Bright Moon Light, Alfie Templeman’s life of journey.
Dylan TangAug 12, 2022【影片】臺客雜誌 ISSUE11 數位封面人物- UTA/ 【Video】TAIKER Magazine ISSUE11 Digital Cover Star- UTA
Dylan TangJul 13, 2022【臺客專訪】貼上自己喜歡的標籤 9m88 不被道德綁架/ Labelling herself, 9m88 isn’t kidnapped by morality
Dylan TangJul 4, 2022【封面人物】隨著生命舞動 范少勳對生活充滿好奇心/ Dancing for life, Fandy Fan is full of curiosity about life