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散發浪漫無死角 Fendi春夏2022古詩味正濃/ Fendi SS22 Menswear, That’s How We Called ROMA-ntic

Dylan Tang


- Silvia Venturini Fendi, FENDI 男裝及配飾藝術總監

每個對羅馬充滿嚮往的靈魂,因為Fendi 的春夏2022男裝系列,再一次地被匯集到充滿文化的古都羅馬。

「從高處端視這個世界」是Fendi 最新男裝的設計靈感。呼應著春夏時節的明亮色彩,設計師 Silvia 將羅馬一日所能見到的顏色,全部放置到2022裡的男裝設計裡頭。

「你怎麼看待事物,還有站在哪裡看待它們,才是眼下最重要的。我們在這個時期裡的獨特觀點,改變了對世界的看法,而我的看法已經跟我從這棟建築物的拱門和屋頂上所看到的東西,緊緊連繫在一起。站在這裡,簡直就像是鳥瞰整座羅馬城。顏色和視角在不斷變化,從日出到日落,羅馬天空那一抹柔和的顏色是如此美麗,我想要讓它成為這個系列的焦點。」- Silvia Venturini Fendi

Fendi 這次共發表了45套時裝,其中不乏曾出現過的配件,如Baguette 和 Peekaboo 包款。只不過Baguette 包款的尺寸縮小成為能掛在細腰鏈上的珠寶袋。但這場秀值得注意的是Fendi 與 ARENA 合作的泳鏡和泳帽,還有乒乓球拍袋。這些指標性的夏日單品今年或許用不到,但是這個系列本來也就是為了明年設,不妨將先為明年春夏的衣櫥做好預備添購的準備。


Fendi 將羅馬的四周環境成為製作本季服飾印花圖形、形狀和工藝的參考來源,呈現出自在的比例和大小。

只要不是噩夢,那麼應該就是一場明亮溫暖的好夢吧?義大利的風情總是令人嚮往,也難怪這個國家總是充滿著令人難忘的夏季戀情。透過即將到來的春夏2022男裝 Fendi 新配色;檸檬和萊姆、冰藍、薰衣草紫、開心果綠和牡丹的粉嫩色彩,與石灰華、白堊、石墨和石板的礦物色調相映成趣。我們不需要到羅馬親自走一遭,等到疫情都趨緩後再穿上羅馬的新配色前往探險,或許明年的生活也能真的像這個義大利首都一樣,舉手投足都散發著浪漫。


“How you see things – and from where you see them – has never been more important,”

Silvia Venturini Fendi, Artistic Director of FENDI Accessories and Menswear

Fendi's spring and summer 2022 menswear collection is why Roma's soul once again gathered in Italy. Reflections on watching the world from above have inspired the FENDI Men's Spring/Summer 2022 collection. Besides, Silvia put all colours she can see in this city. Altogether, address her latest collection.

“Our singular point of view in this period has modified our perception of the world – and mine has become so linked to what I see from the arches and the rooftop of our building. It is almost like a bird’s eye view of Rome from here. The colours and the perspective are always changing – the soft palette of the Roman sky across the day is so beautiful and I wanted it to be a focal point of this collection.”

Fendi unveils 45 looks for its Spring/Summer2022. From the video and models, there are some accessories we called Classic on the runway. Ie. Baguette and Peekaboo. However, the Baguette is shrunk as a jewellery pouch on a fine waist chain.

On the other hand, FENDI makes collaboration with ARENA join ping-pong racket bags as ironic summer essential, plus swimming goggles and swimming caps. Haven’t say that, even you don’t know how to swim, those are still you Must To Have in summer.

Like a daydream

FENDI’s SS22 make the immediate surroundings of the Roman hinterland inform prints, shapes and workmanship, in an effortless study of proportions and scale. Some might say, Daydream is kinda waste of your time, however, if it’s not a nightmare, then why not?

For the next summer, let’s say we are all looking forward to a beautiful dream. A dream with echoes of spring flora and the transient skies in pastel shots of lemon and lime, ice blue, lavender, pistachio and peony against mineral shades of travertine, chalk, graphite and slate.



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