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Fendi延續暈眩風 王嘉爾成為男裝代言人/ Fendi appoints Jackson Wang to be the new Fendiman

Dylan Tang

Fendi 終於公佈新一季的大中華區男裝代言人;這個來自羅馬的時裝品牌這次與歌手王嘉爾合作,目的應該是希望能夠透過他在亞洲的知名度,再次成為市場上的銷售黑馬。

王嘉爾與Fendi 的淵源可以從2019年說起;當時Fendi 的秋冬2019男裝秀謝幕時,王嘉爾是首位在Fendi 時裝秀上獻唱的藝人,自此之後,雙邊的關係開始有了進展,也逐漸演變成今天看到的樣貌。

Vertigo of Jackson


Fendi 的2021夏季Vertigo系列是繼邁阿密設計展之後與紐約視覺藝術家Sarah Coleman的再一次合作。通過對FF logo進行重新演繹,呈現七十年代的迷幻風格,打造出全新圖案FF Vertigo,大膽顛覆,引人矚目。


Fendi consolidates its relationship with Jackson Wang, announcing his appointment as Men's Collection Spokesperson in Greater China for the Roman luxury house.

The renewal follows the success of the first ambassadorship, announced on January 14th 2019, when Jackson Wang was appointed Fendi Brand Ambassador in China and impressed, on the same day, the guests of the Fendi Men's Autumn/Winter 2019-20 Fashion Show with an incredible post-show live performance.

Vertigo of Jackson

This isn't the first that Fendi collaborates with Jackson Wang. In fact, Wang has featured in Fendi's Summer 2021 Capsule Collection Campaign in May. The Roman Maison has chosen Jackson Wang and Jike Junyi to interpret the collection's spirit and its signature looks in the campaign captured by photographer Oliverjune. The colourful set in the tones of yellow and orange with touches of blue and green reflects the colours of the collection as well as its sense of adventure and freedom deeply linked with the outdoor lifestyle.

Fendi's FF Vertigo, once again, its collaboration with New York-based visual artist Sarah Coleman, giving life to a new interpretation of the iconic FF logo pattern revisited in a twisted and turned version through a Seventies' psychedelic filter and resulting in a new magnetic motif.



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