綠色,象徵著春天來臨的顏色,爬滿圍牆的藤蔓、重獲新生的盆栽正在大肆慶祝。而就是這歡樂的氣氛吸引著Disney的綠色概念角色們不由自主地走出螢幕,與adidas Originals重新詮釋與賦予經典小白鞋Stan Smith永續環保的全新意義及面貌。由最受歡迎的青蛙之一「Kermit科米蛙」領軍,還有《漫威》的Hulk浩克、《玩具總動員》中的Rex抱抱龍等膾炙人口的角色,一同攜手開啟屬於Stan Smith的全新時代。

這次全新Stan Smith系列將許多迪士尼、皮克斯、星際大戰、漫威的經典角色躍上鞋身;例如《星際大戰》中的Yoda尤達大師、《小飛俠》中的Tinker Bell奇妙仙子、皮克斯的WALLE-E瓦力,《布偶歷險記》裡的Kermit科米蛙、《怪獸電力公司》中的Mike麥克華斯基等,都在本次Stan Smith小白鞋上各自展現自我特色。從角色肖像印入鞋底、精緻立體浮刻表面、趣味翻玩印花到可供額外選擇的鞋帶等,全系列更於左右兩腳鞋舌處分別印上動畫角色及Stan Smith logo圖像,活潑別緻的設計帶來春夏最吸睛的街頭風采。
adidas Originals同時為Stan Smith的經典簡約設計注入兼具永續性的環保概念。本次StanSmith系列鞋款皆使用以PRIMEGREEN高機能再生材質製成的環保鞋面,鞋底則採用回收橡膠製成。透過環保材質的使用,逐步邁向品牌「End Plastic Waste終結塑膠廢棄物」的永續發展願景。
Green is the colour that symbolizes the coming of spring, and the vines and potted plants that have regained their lives are celebrating. And it is this joyful atmosphere that attracts Disney's green concept characters involuntarily out of the screen, reinterpreting with adidas Originals and giving Stan Smith a new meaning and appearance of sustainable environmental protection. Led by one of the most popular frogs, "Kermit Komi Frog", as well as popular characters such as Hulk from Marvel and Rex from Toy Story, join hands to open a new era belonging to Stan Smith.
This new Stan Smith series brings many classic characters from Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel onto the shoe body; for example, Yoda Yoda in "Star Wars", Tinker Bell in "Peter Pan", Pixar's fantastic fairy WALLE-E Wali, Kermit Komi Frog in "Muppet Adventures", Mike McWaskey in "Monster Electric Company", etc., all show their own characteristics in this collection of Stan Smith shoe. From the character portrait printed on the sole, the exquisite three-dimensional embossed surface, the fun flipping print to the optional shoelace, etc., the whole series also has animated characters and Stan Smith logo images printed on the left and right tongues respectively, which are lively The chic design brings the most eye-catching street style in spring and summer.
Adidas Originals also infused Stan Smith's classic and simple design with a sustainable environmental concept. The StanSmith series of shoes this time all use environmentally friendly uppers made of PRIMEGREEN high-performance recycled materials, and the soles are made of recycled rubber. Through the use of environmentally friendly materials, it gradually moves towards the sustainable development vision of the brand "End Plastic Waste".