邀請您入座欣賞Virgil Abloh所執掌的 2022春夏男裝秀場
「驚聞 Virgil Abloh 離世的噩耗,令人悲痛。Virgil 不但是我們的朋友、出色的合作夥伴、創意鬼才、前衛先驅與創新之士,也是現今文化傳承方面的翹楚,為年輕一代鋪路。他熱心公益,滿懷熱誠,致力為社區提供各方面的支援,同時為人樂觀積極,相信凡事皆有可能。本著這份精神,路易威登將按照 Virgil 的遺願在邁阿密舉行他最後一場時裝秀,向這位傳奇藝術總監致敬。我很榮幸能與他成為朋友,並對他的妻兒、父母、家人,以及為他所動容的社區致以最深切的慰問。」
路易威登主席兼行政總裁 Michael Burke
In loving memory of Virgil Abloh, Louis Vuitton pays tribute to the life and legacy of a creative genius with a presentation of his Spring-Summer 2022 Collection in Miami on November 30th at 5:30 pm (ET).
“It is with profound sorrow that I learned of the passing of Virgil Abloh. Virgil was not only a friend, great collaborator, creative genius, visionary and disruptor, but also one of the best cultural communicators of our times. He paved the way for future generations. As a devoted supporter of his community through his charities and passions, he was an eternal optimist who believed anything was possible. In this same spirit, we at Louis Vuitton will proudly continue to celebrate his legacy with a final show in Miami, per his wishes. I am honored to have called him my friend. My deepest thoughts are with his wife, children, parents, family and the entire community that was touched by his greatness.” - Michael Burke, Louis Vuitton’s Chairman and CEO
