Richard Mille 的RM 65-01自動上鍊雙秒追針計時碼錶歷經近五年精心研發,堪稱RICHARD MILLE工坊中迄今為止所推出製作工藝最為複雜的時計作品。RM 65-01作為非限量款腕錶,表現製錶工藝的巧奪天工。這枚腕錶上的多項附加功能、獨到的構造與極致美學的結合,充分體現出RICHARD MILLE的技術實力。總之,唯有投入足夠的耐心、精湛的技藝和非凡的毅力,才能完成這項機械腕錶界的艱鉅挑戰。

這款專為二十一世紀打造的計時碼錶,擁有5赫茲(每小時振動36,000次)的高振頻可變慣性擺輪,以確保長時間更為精準的走時,並將碼錶計時的精確度提升至十分之一秒。這款腕錶堪稱一台真正的“賽車”,配備一枚可以讀取中途時間的追針秒針,同時也是RICHARD MILLE首次將雙秒追針計時功能應用於自動上鍊機芯。
與Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier合作開發的一體化機芯,搭載六齒導柱輪結構和垂直耦合裝置,以確保其始終如一的穩定性能。機芯從快速旋轉的發條盒中汲取動力,並可在約60小時的動力儲存期間全程保持理想的扭矩傳輸動力。發條盒的自動上鍊裝置和機芯的可變幾何結構擺陀也進一步強化了扭矩狀態。
另一項里程碑的創舉是RICHARD MILLE開發的首款自製專利快速上鍊裝置,只需在8點鐘位置的按鈕上按壓125次,發條盒即可完全上鍊,並隨時準備好為重要事件計時。RICHARD MILLE的工程師形容這項實用功能“非常有趣”,由於這種上鍊方式對扭矩傳遞水準要求非常高,因而開發過程尤為艱難。在老化測試中,該功能承受了數千次的啟動試驗。

五種顏色 五種功能
為了錶盤更加清晰易讀,RM 65-01採用不同顏色來標示腕錶功能與按鈕。黃色代表時間:小時、分鐘、6點鐘位置小秒針;而綠色則代表日期顯示;橘色標示出計時碼錶的計時秒針,以及30分鐘和12小時計時盤;紅色則與上鍊功能相關。為避免混淆,追針則採用藍色呈現。整體外觀設計完全取決於腕錶功能。
至於錶殼,每一個表面皆擁有極為優雅的細節處理。錶圈、中層錶殼和底蓋均採用Carbon TPT®碳纖維材質;錶冠由經微噴砂、拋光和緞面處理的五級鈦合金打造;計時按鈕同樣採用經拋光和緞面處理的五級鈦合金材質。中層錶殼上嵌有雕刻“RM 65-01”字樣的銘牌,也採用同樣的材質和處理。快速上鍊按鈕以紅色Quartz TPT®石英纖維材質按鈕呈現,格外引人注目。
RM 65-01提供Carbon TPT®碳纖維以及紅金搭配Carbon TPT®碳纖維等款式供選擇,擁有超過600枚組成零件,充分證明了RICHARD MILLE團隊精湛的技術特長。RM 65-01秉承品牌一脈相傳的理念,同時又樹立了獨一無二的專屬形象,必將在RICHARD MILLE的腕錶殿堂中佔有一席之地。

The culmination of some five years of development, this automatic split-seconds chronograph is the most complex timepiece ever to leave the Richard Mille workshops. With production beyond the limited edition, it demonstrates true watchmaking greatness. This model fully embodies the brand’s technical approach thanks to the combination of several additional functions, a very specific architecture and an extremely high-end aesthetic. All in all, a fabulous challenge of mechanical watchmaking that called for patience, technicity and utter perseverance.
This chronograph honed for the 21st century has a high frequency balance with variable inertia—5 Hz, or 36,000 vibrations per hour—developed for superior timekeeping accuracy over an extended period and precise stopwatch calculations to 1/10th of a second. It is every bit a genuine racing machine with a split-second hand to calculate intermediate times, a first for Richard Mille on an automatic movement.

Developed in partnership with Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier, the integrated movement boasts unfailing consistency with its 6-column wheel architecture and vertical coupling. It receives its energy from a fast-rotating barrel that maintains ideal torque for energy transmission for the full duration of its 60-hour power reserve. The barrel’s automatic winding and the variable geometry of the calibre’s oscillating weight segment further enhance the optimal torque of the watches.
In another milestone, Richard Mille developed its first in-house patented rapid-winding mechanism, activated by a pusher at 8 o’clock. In 125 presses, the barrel is fully wound, ready to time your next event. This highly practical function, described as ‘very playful’ by Richard Mille’s engineers, was particularly difficult to develop because of its high levels of torque transfer. During the ageing tests, the function was activated thousands of times.
For a supremely legible dial, the RM 65-01 uses colour-coding to match watch functions with the pushers. Yellow is for time: hours, minutes, small seconds at 6 o’clock, whereas green refers to the date display. Orange identifies the chronograph’s sweep seconds hand as well as the 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Red is linked to the winding mechanism. To avoid all confusion, the split-seconds hand is blue. Here, function is what drives the aesthetical choices.
As for the case, its every surface boasts extremely elegant detailing. Sporting a Carbon TPT® bezel, caseband and caseback, it has a microblasted, polished and satin-finished grade 5 titanium crown, framed by the chronograph buttons, also in polished and satin-finished grade 5 titanium. The same material and finish are used for the plate engraved with RM 65-01 on the caseband. The rapid-winding pusher stands out with its red Quartz TPT® button.
Available in Carbon TPT®, Gold and Carbon TPT®, the RM 65-01 has over 600 components, further evidence of the immense technical expertise of the development teams. Embracing the brand’s ancestral codes whilst affirming its own identity, the RM 65-01 is set to take its place in the gallery of illustrious Richard Mille models with technicity at its heart.