RICHARD MILLE的每款創作自有宇宙乾坤。 RM 72-01 Lifestyle自製機芯計時碼錶奇異罕見而跳脫時空限制,展現創新設計與卓越性能,立於高級製錶、舞蹈和音樂的交集之處。生命在於律動,更是承載著時間、身體與音符的精彩韻律。
RICHARD MILLE最新時計傑作是藝術邂逅技術的化身,猶如滴答作響的終極情感節拍器,以精湛的技術打造優雅風範。這同樣是RICHARD MILLE又一項技術革新,標誌著品牌首枚完全自製開發的飛返計時碼錶的誕生。這項成果更是專職團隊歷經30個月全身心投入的工作成果。
全新的RM 72-01計時碼錶以明顯的三個時標:3、8、11為三拍子的節奏定調,而錯落的三個計時盤即刻吸引著所有人的目光。不僅顯示出計時刻度,同時也代表三拍一小節的韻律節奏。不同指針(藍色秒針、橘色分針、綠色時針)由6齒導柱輪協調,在各自的計時盤內舞出韻律有致的節奏。
全新飛返計時碼錶具有RICHARD MILLE專利的擺動小齒輪雙重嚙合機制,將分鐘輪和小時輪的連接運作與秒輪脫離。品牌已為此項雙重嚙合機制的計時碼錶申請了專利。 「這個可嚙合或脫離輪齒的小齒輪採用成雙設計。一個針對分鐘輪,另一個用在秒輪。與難以容納於機芯中心的垂直嚙合設計相比,這種更纖薄的機制不會佔據空間。」機芯技術總監Salvador Arbona解釋。
腕錶的24小時和60分鐘計時盤分別置於5點鐘和2點鐘位置,由此證明此款計時碼錶的功能並不僅限於短時間的測量計時。精密至極的機械機制也是面面俱到,完全由品牌位於Les Breuleux(勒布勒勒)的工坊製作、組裝。其卓越的精準度可在RICHARD MILLE代表特色之一的鏤空錶背中探其究竟。本款時計提供5N紅金款、鈦合金款、白色或黑色陶瓷款四種版本,搭載自動上鍊機芯,無論啟用多久的計時碼錶功能,均可提供50小時的動力儲存。
為了凸顯RM 72-01計時碼錶的藝術價值,編舞家Benjamin Millepied和作曲家Thomas Roussel創作了名為心靈深處(WITHIN)的作品。在遍布岩石、沙土的約書亞樹(Joshua Tree)國家公園沙漠裡,Benjamin Millepied為這支作品掌鏡。作品中這一鮮明的礦物環境,彰顯出RICHARD MILLE用於腕錶製作的材料之高貴和美感。在純然絕美的佈景中,舞者踏著並行與循環式的舞步,如串珠般踩出接連不斷的節奏,以強烈而生氣勃發的形式妝點時間與空間。
在這神秘背景中,人類似乎與其起源重新接軌,並為Thomas Roussel啟發創意靈感。這位作曲家從腕錶計時器的聲音樣本出發進行創作,並從中發展出一種節奏,一種對應舞者原始、奔放能量的音樂韻律。他以這股生命力的旋風為中心,編制起融入源自太初、反覆且神秘的樂音。
Every new creation is a world unto itself. A wholly new space born of a play between spirit and sensation. Singular yet timeless, innovative and performance-driven, the RM 72-01 Lifestyle In-House Chronograph is poised at the intersection between Haute Horlogerie, dance and music. Movement is all. Movement of the time, of bodies, of notes.
The latest ‘face’ of Richard Mille—the ultimate metronome of emotion—is a work in which technicity serves and drives elegance. It’s also an in-house creation, featuring the first flyback chronograph entirely developed and designed by the brand. An achievement crowning no less than 30 months of full-time work on the part of a dedicated team.
The new RM 72-01 keeps time, three beats to a measure, a rhythm emphasising three numbers: three, eight and eleven. Three beats for the three counters that immediately capture every eye. The hands dance in stylised harmony within their three respective timescales (blue for seconds, orange for minutes, green for hours), orchestrated by a six-column wheel.
The transfers from minutes to hours have been isolated from the seconds' wheel in this flyback chronograph which incorporates a double oscillating pinion mechanism developed and patented by Richard Mille. The brand has submitted a patent application for its double-clutch chronograph. ‘This pinion, which can enmesh or withdraw from the gear teeth, has been twinned. There’s now one for the minutes and another for seconds. This system is thinner than a vertical clutch, which would be hard to fit into the heart of the movement,’ explains Salvador Arbona, Technical Director for Movements. As a result, the chronograph function has little impact on the power reserve. The Calibre CRMC1 thus remains quite slim, at just 6.05 mm thick, despite comprising 425 different components.
Equipped with 24-hour and 60-minute counters positioned at 5 o’clock and 2 o’clock respectively, it proves that a chronograph need not be limited to timing only short periods. This mechanism was entirely imagined, manufactured and assembled in Les Breuleux, at the brand’s facilities. Its sublime precision can be viewed through its openwork case back, a hallmark of the Richard Mille brand.
This model is available in four different combinations—5N red gold, titanium and black or white ceramic. It features an automatic winding movement, with a 50-hour power reserve irrespective of how much the chronograph is activated. It is a strikingly architectural watch offering true ease of use.
For choreographer Benjamin Millepied and composer Thomas Roussel, a work titled WITHIN, Benjamin Millepied took place behind the camera this time, at the Joshua Tree, in the heart of sand and stone. This stark mineral environment exalts the nobility and beauty of the materials Richard Mille employs for its watches. Amidst this sublime decor, the dancers unfurl a choreography of cyclical parallels that sifts and winnows the seconds, clothing time and space with intense vitality and energy.
This mysterious setting, in which humanity appears to reconnect with our origins, was a perfect source of inspiration for Thomas Roussel. After sampling the watch’s chronometric function, the compositor built a tempo around it, a musical rhythm anchored in the raw energy and abandon of the dancers. Around a whirlwind of vitality, he weaves music redolent of origins, repetitive and mysterious.