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逆境中開創新局 沛納海宣布Jeremy Jauncey加入品牌大使/ Panerai teamed up with Jeremy Jauncey

Dylan Tang

義大利腕錶品牌沛納海宣布Beautiful Destinations的創始人兼首席執行官 Jeremy Jauncey加入球品牌大使團隊。


Beautiful Destinations是一家屢獲殊榮的旅遊業務策略及創意機構,被知名商業雜誌《Fast Company》評為全球最具創新力的公司之一,而Jauncey本人也是旅遊業界極具信服力和影響力的聲音之一。他的品牌在社交媒體上擁有超過3,000萬名追隨者,掀起了一股旅遊熱潮。他還通過多元的合作平台,積極倡導一種觀念—以旅行帶來正面力量,能同時造福旅行者和目的地。他相信,負責任的旅行離不開對永續性與環保議題的關注。同時,Jauncey也是世界自然基金會 (World Wildlife Fund) 和GoldStandard.org的大使。

沛納海首席執行官Jean-Marc Pontroué指出,沛納海與Jauncey的合作水到渠成。他表示:「沛納海堅信,只有憑藉卓有遠見的領導力和開拓創新的精神,才能成功應對最艱鉅的挑戰,而環境的惡化正是目前已知最嚴峻的挑戰之一。沛納海正在積極開展行動,盡可能降低在製表過程中對環境造成的影響。例如,我們推出Submersible eLAB-ID™腕錶,將環保再生物料在腕錶中的應用比例提升至全新高度。在旅遊業領域,Jeremy同樣是環保理念的先行者,具有強烈的全球公民意識。我們期待能融匯彼此的專業知識,創造更優秀的產品和體系,讓世界變得更加美好。 」


Panerai announced that founder and CEO of Beautiful Destinations, Jeremy Jauncey, to its team of Global Ambassadors.

“I have loved Panerai for as long as I can remember and it is a huge honour for me to join the Panerai family,” said Jauncey. “I’m excited to support their sustainability efforts and to introduce a new audience of consumers to this amazing brand.”

Beautiful Destinations was recognised by Fast Company as one of the world’s most innovative. And whether it is through his brand’s wanderlustinducing social media, which have over 30 million followers, or collaborations with his diverse portfolio of partners, Jauncey is a tireless champion of travel as a force for good for both travellers and the destinations they visit. Realising that considerations of sustainability and conservation are inseparable from responsible travel, Jauncey has also been an ambassador for the World Wildlife Fund and

Forging a relationship with Jauncey was a natural decision according to Panerai CEO Jean-Marc Pontroué: “At Panerai, we believe that the most formidable challenges are only solved through visionary leadership and innovation. Environmental degradation is among the most critical challenges imaginable.

With projects like the Submersible eLAB-IDTM, the watch with the highest percentage of recycled-based material ever, Panerai has taken the initiative in addressing the environmental impacts of watchmaking. Jeremy is at the forefront of contending with the same issues in the travel sphere and he is a global citizen in the very best sense. We look forward to bringing together our respective know-how to create products and systems and that will change the world for the better.”



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