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Josh Lin

對他們來說,Atelier New Regime不再只是一個品牌// Not just a brand, Atelier New Regime

曾在2018年加拿大藝術和時尚獎(CAFA)獲得年度設計師獎的Atelier New Regime(ANR)設計師三人組,預計將在4月與5月之間釋出他們全新系列,以慶祝品牌旗艦店成立的第五週年。

「Atelier New Regime已經發展到不僅僅是一個服裝品牌;它變成了一個創意與文化城市的基礎,使社區能夠持續推動向前。」象徵自由和活力的標誌性鮮橙色佈滿整個旗艦店,由Gildas Awuye、Setiz Taheri和弟弟Koku建立加拿大的品牌ANR,將他們生活的蒙特婁重新詮釋,將獨特的街景與多元的族群結合嘻哈音樂文化,將品牌理想與精神表達於服裝上,藉此激勵與鼓勵人們,打造屬於自己人生以及ANR的專屬宇宙。

而在這五週年之際,ANR特別在4月推出以獨一無二的Havana Club酒瓶貫穿全系列服裝的Havana Club x Atelier New Regime聯名系列「Pa’Los Santos」,並在接下來的5月推出品牌第一個女裝系列Monogram Velor Capsule以及SS21「UneÉpoqueFormidable」系列以紀念母親節。另外ANR也迎來一項重大的改變:他們預計將產線移至葡萄牙,並與Balenciaga和Givenchy同一生產線,這麼做無非就是希望能在未來供應越來越多的客群,更重要的是能對品質更加把關,貫徹品牌追求高品質的理念


The Atelier New Regime (ANR) designer trio, who won the 2018 Canadian Art and Fashion Awards (CAFA) Designer of the Year Award, is expected to release their new collection between April and May to celebrate the brand's flagship store The fifth anniversary of its establishment.

“Atelier New Regime has developed into more than a clothing brand; it has become an all-encompassing foundation for a creative and cultural urban community that allows it to continuously push forward.” Canadian brand ANR was established by Gildas Awuye, Setiz Taheri and his younger brother Koku, reinterpreting the Montreal of their lives, combining unique street scenes with diverse ethnic groups, and hip-hop music culture, expressing brand ideals and spirits on clothing, inspiring and encouraging Encourage people to create their own life and the exclusive universe of ANR.

On the occasion of this fifth anniversary, ANR specially launched the Havana Club x Atelier New Regime co-branded collection "Pa'Los Santos" with a unique Havana Club bottle throughout the entire clothing. Next, in May, the brand's will launch the first women's collection Monogram Velor Capsule and the SS21 "UneÉpoqueFormidable" collection to celebrate Mother's Day. In addition, ANR has also ushered in a major change: they expect to move the production line to Portugal and use the same production line as Balenciaga and Givenchy. This is nothing more than to supply more and more customers, and more importantly, to improve the quality. implement the brand's concept of pursuing high quality


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