隨著電影《緝魂》即將上映,張震也重新出現在各大媒體版面上,除了日前在台北舉辦的記者會以一席白色王子的姿態現身外,1月7日更在中國的線上首映記者會上,身穿英倫時裝品牌DUNHILL 出席。

關於《緝魂》 張震表示:「如何將癌末病人表現的“銳利”是這次我面臨到的最大挑戰。而且我本身是導演的粉絲,片中有很多懸疑元素與人性化的感情戲吸引我接演,非常期待首映時看到自己的演出!」私下相當喜歡看懸疑片與推理小說的張震,透露自己一收到《緝魂》的劇本,沒考慮多久就決定演出,而他為了詮釋片中罹患癌症的檢察官角色,在開拍前三個月內激瘦了12公斤,張震笑稱是他高中後再也沒見過的體重!靠著一週三次、每次兩小時的大量激烈運動,以及地獄式般的節食忌口以消耗肌肉方式瘦身的張震,開拍後體重仍持續下降,盡全力呈現出癌症病患消瘦的病程。而張震也為戲剃了個全光頭的造型,虛弱身形再搭配上蒼白無血色、全身長紅斑的病容化妝,讓整體外型極具真實感,完全顛覆他平時的帥氣形象,也幫助他在拍攝時更能融入在角色狀態中。

As the movie 'The Soul' is about to be released, Chang Chen has finally reappeared in public. A few days ago, he wore a white suit appeared at the press conference held in Taipei. Afterwards, the 44 years old actor also attended the premiere online in China on January 7. At the event, he dressed in British fashion brand DUNHILL.
At this premiere event, Chang Chen is wearing DUNHILL's Silk Acetate Double Breasted Relaxed Kensington Jacket, Linen Viscose Wool Canvas Utility Trousers Short Sleeve Silk Satin Kimono Shirt. The English yuppie style seems to remind people of Chang Chen always has a certain persistence and unique perspective on life aesthetics.

Regarding 'The Soul' Chang Chen said: "How to be "sharp" for patients with terminal cancer is the biggest challenge I faced this time. There are many suspenseful elements and humanized emotional dramas that attract me to take on the role. I am looking forward to seeing my performance at the premiere!"
Chang Chen, who likes watching suspense films and mystery novels in private, due to this reason, he decided to take the role when he received the script without thinking about it. Mr Chang's role in the film suffering from cancer, hence he lost 12 kilograms in the first three months of filming. He unveiled that he had never seen he got that skinny since high school!