義大利品牌 Furla 日前在台北舉辦了一場展示春夏包款的活動。在這場活動上,這個來自義大利波隆那的品牌找來了台灣的人氣新演員,為的就是要展演出新春的氣象,以及象徵與新生代做連結的優雅活力。
常聽別人說:「義大利的男人浪漫無比」因此提著Furla 包款的男生應該也讓人愛不釋手吧?在這場活動中,Furla 特地邀請了最近因為BL 劇情而聲名大噪的高顏值演員- 石知田、在《緝魂》中表現亮眼的林暉閔,以及國際小提琴家 Richard Lin 來展示台灣男人的浪漫情愫。畢竟身為在地主人,總不能讓台灣男子的氣魄被比下去。

石知田,私下興趣廣泛,不只積極進修日文與吉他,更愛好各種運動 ; 面容精緻俊秀的他,背上莫蘭迪色托特包,盡現型男帥氣魅力。訪問時還特別提到:「平常我的包包除了基本用品和劇本外,還有詩集。」石知田還特別補充:「這一次Furla 有一款動物圖案的小包,真的非常可愛!我眼睛根本離不開這個小包。」


Richard Lin
國際小提琴家 Richard Lin 則是開箱梵谷星空藍真皮肩背包,揭露了大家對音樂家選包的好奇心。Richard表示:「自己很重視包款的容量及背起來的舒適度,FURLA系列正好都能滿足他的需求。」此外,現場Richard Lin 還親自演奏,讓人在鑑賞包款的同時也親臨國際級的表演,只能說台灣男生的浪漫無所不在。

The Italian brand FURLA recently held an event to showcase the spring and summer collection in Taipei. This Bologna brand gathered new gents actor from Taiwan to show the showcased the connection between elegant vitality and power of the new voice.
Iconic Men's Fashion
People so-called "Italian men are very romantic." So the boys carrying the Furla bag must be more loveable. In this event, Furla specially invited actor Chih-Tian SHIH, who recently became famous from the boy romance TV series, Erek LIN, who performed well in 'The Soul' and international violinist Richard Lin to showcase "How Taiwanese men envoy romance."

Chih-Tian SHIH
Chih-Tian SHIH has a Morandi-colored tote bag on his back, showing the handsome charm of a handsome man. During the interview, he mentioned: "In addition to basic supplies and scripts, my bag usually also has a collection of poems." Chih-Tian also added: "Also, I noticed Furla has a small bag with animal prints, which is really cute! My eyes can't take off from them."

Erek LIN
In this event, Erek uses Furla night black-shoulder bag, which is mysterious and charming. Regarding the choice of bags, Erek specifically mentioned: "Actually, I like bags with a contrasting feel, and I like to use big bags to pack everything in. For me, a bag can not only hold things. It also represents your personality."

Richard Lin
International violinist Richard Lin unpacked the Van Gogh starry sky blue leather shoulder bag. "I attach great importance to the capacity of the bag and the comfort of its back. The Furla collection can meet what I need."