你覺得永恆是什麼?如果一切都能永久保存,那麼這個世界是不是就不會有那麼多紛擾?今年,義大利時裝豪門 Giorgio Armani 推出了以「永恆之思」為靈感的最新時裝系列。對 Armani 來說,這次的時裝並不只是推陳出新,而是將品牌創辦人從1975年成立以來,45年的思想重新解讀。

Giorgio Armani的春夏2021男女裝,不僅在剪裁上遵守義大利人們的悠閒,更將簡單的生活美好,以線條呈現,讓人們就算因為鎖國仍能享受來自義大利的優雅。顏色的使用上,以中性色彩為主,如灰色、米色、黑色、藍色等,這些顏色的相互衝撞,讓99套時裝充滿著真實和讓人無法言喻的自由美好。此外,為了讓人擺脫男女性的束縛,這次的幾何圖形設計,讓人在視覺上宛如回到小時候一樣,有著「男生、女生快樂的在草地上玩耍」一樣天真童趣。不論你想要怎麼解讀最新一季的男女裝。Giorgio Armani 都給你無限大的想像空間。

此外,在這場大秀發表前,Giorgio Armani 在電視上首度播映長達20分鐘的紀錄片,並且由有多個獎項加身的義大利著名演員Pierfrancesco Favino獻聲。透過鏡頭,這位經典永不滅的時尚大師,他腦海中的所有想像,就像是他這一次的時裝大秀一樣Timeless Thoughts 「永恆之思」。

What do you think eternity is? If everything can be preserved forever, wouldn't there be so many troubles in this world? This year, the Italian fashion house Giorgio Armani unveiled the latest fashion collection named "Timeless Thoughts". For Armani, this collection is not just about bringing forth new ideas, but a reinterpretation of the founder's 45 years of thinking since it's launched in 1975.
The simpler the more complex
Giorgio Armani's Spring/Summer 2021 menswear and womenswear collection do not only adhere to the leisure of Italian but also presents the lifestyle by pure lines and neutral colours. Hence, people can still enjoy the elegance of Italy even if they’ve locked-down in the country. The use of colours is mainly neutral, such as grey, beige, black, blue, etc. The sparkle of these colours’ combination makes 99 outfits full of real and unspeakable freedom. In addition, in order to get rid of the boundaries of men and women, the geometric patterns make people visually as if they were back in childhood. Therefore, no matter how you want to interpret the latest collection by Giorgio Armani, it definitely has able to give you unlimited imagination.
The documentary tells everything
Before this big show, Giorgio Armani broadcasted a 20-minute documentary on TV for the first time. The voice in this film was presented by the famous Italian actor Pierfrancesco Favino who has received multiple awards.