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  • Dylan Tang

Leandro Cano 春夏2021形象廣告「永遠在你身邊」/ Leandro Cano SS21 Campaign, SIEMPRE A TU VERA

西班牙設計師 Leandro Cano 推出了同名品牌的第一個男裝系列!

這位來自西班牙東南方的安達盧西亞設計師,將他全新的系列定義為「永遠在你身邊」(SIEMPRE A TU VERA)並且攜手西班牙傳奇歌手Lola Flores、Rocio Jurado、 Imperio Argentina 加入這個系列的短影音裡頭。這個系列首次曝光是在今年三月的巴黎時裝週,而這個形象廣告不僅充滿濃厚的西班牙風情,更讓人感受到這個南歐民族的滿溢情慾。


在這個春夏2021的形象廣告中,為了與這個主題契合,設計師Cano 將它分成兩大區塊。第一;在社會中被啟發,且是社會中先驅者的女性的地位。第二則是呼應這個系列,要提醒世人在這個亂世中,我們一樣要繼續為了夢想努力和奮鬥。








Leandro Cano 為這個系列發表了這段看似簡單,卻又強而有力的一首詩。你可以從文字間品味出這部影片裡,女性對解放的熱情、力量,以及傳達出來極具啟發意義的視覺表現。



Leandro Cano unveiled the latest campaign of his first menswear collection.

For spring-summer 2021, the Andalusian designer brings the iconic Spanish singers, such as Lola Flores, Rocio Jurado, Imperio Argentina, to the time of the ‘destape’ or unveiling cinema, as a continuation of the inspiration of these Spanish artists that he presented to us last March in Paris.


With SIEMPRE A TU VERA (ALWAYS AT YOUR SIDE), Leandro Cano closes this artistic collection divided into two seasons about these great women who have been inspired and pioneers of the advancement of women in society.

Moreover, as the name of the collection indicates, in the turbulent times we are living, means that we keep on working and fighting with the same illusion as always.

Message from Cano

it’s been a while I don't feel anything

when I do it with you,

my body doesn't tremble of desire

when I see you turned on

and your face, your chest and your hands

look like frost

Mr Cano introduces this powerful message in his collection SIEMPRE A TU VERA, in which the liberation, passion and strength of these women have served as inspiration for the video with which he presents his latest collection.

In addition, the designer has reached sufficient maturity has included men's garments. A man who has wanted to appear masculine and without prejudice of roles, sure of himself and ready to be overwhelmed by the force of these women.


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