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James Dylan

《以你的名字呼喚我》全新從未曝光劇照/ 'Call Me By Your Name' never-before-seen photos


這一部改編自作家André Aciman 同名小說的電影近期將在韓國上映,而 SONY 公司為了這一次的韓國首映釋出了一系列電影主角 Elio 和 Oliver 在義大利 Crema 浪漫邂逅時的生活點滴。

《以你的名字呼喚我》由 Armie Hammer 和 Timothée Chalamet 主演,故事主軸圍繞著1980年代兩位相差六歲男子間的激情火花,其中穿插著歷史與藝術探討的情節更為這部電影添加了復古情懷的藝術氣息;在那個社會風氣保守的時代裡,Elio ( Timothée Chalamet 飾演) 和 Oliver ( Armie Hammer 飾演) 儘管擁有美好的夏日戀曲,最後卻無法廝守到老的不完美結局,更反應出現今社會中同志愛情裡時常遇到困難處境的倒影。


Call Me By Your Name released never-before-seen set photography

This movie is based on André Aciman's novel and showcased the purest love and bromance. Call Me By Your Name will be premier in South Korea, therefore Korea SONY released these unseen photos to promote this romantic movie and keen to extend the bromance between Elio and Oliver.

Call Me By Your Name starring by Armie Hammer and Timothée Chalamet who acted Elio (17yr.) and Oliver (24yr.) in the film. These duo had a extremely romance in Crema, Italy in 1980s. It's not just a queer movie, instead, this film also talk about arts, history and reflect the circumstance of queer in present-day.

Summer love is good but ending will not always be happy. For that reason, if you ever have a chance to watch this movie, you must understand that you have to care very much for what you have now and think further for the person you love and who loves you.

images via imgur


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