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Josh Lin

回憶起童年時的廟會,屬於BOB Jian的「台味嘉年華」/BOB Jian's AW21

擅長服裝量身訂製的設計師簡國彥以品牌BOB Jian,本季將以臺灣民俗慶典「廟會」歡慶眾神擁護臺灣時尚的概念出發,將充滿慶典的絢麗色彩、東方圖紋的服裝剪裁、八家將臉譜的印花設計再現傳統,將童年時的記憶中的「廟會」華麗呈現,給予我們一系列的視覺衝擊。

BOB Jian在3月15日時於松菸文創園區4號倉庫盛大發表2021秋冬系列,也是首次獨立於臺北時裝週發表系列作品,BOB Jian企圖透過「時裝」、「訂製服」、「裝置藝術」三種服裝型態呈現,打造民俗慶典活動的熱鬧場景和屬於我們自己的「台味嘉年華」。

「幼時父親時常擔任八家將及大仙尪仔的陣頭演出,當時八家將的服裝、臉譜、配件飾品、法器等無一不使他著迷,父親扛著大仙尪仔踏出穩健的步伐,威武的氣勢幾乎是他兒時的鋼彈。」因此本季BOB Jian邀請亞洲前衛表演領導團體 光的藝術家「LUXY BOYZ」合作,共同打造3公尺高真人版發光東方神系鋼彈,以LED燈及雷射燈光演出給予在場所有人前所未有的視覺震撼。

BOB Jian以服裝訂製品牌成立,為客戶量身訂製專屬服裝就是品牌精神與風格。擅長展現女性身材的禮服設計,加入了現今流行的運動潮流風格,呈現有別以往的成套的禮服造型;可任意搭配的上下身,結合日常服裝的搭配,並且在秀中更有由男模特兒演繹的黑色蓬蓬裙,體現出該系列禮服的獨特與搭配性。

男性方面BOB Jian也以『輕正裝』為系列主題開發,在正裝中融入更多有趣的細節設計;特殊的剪裁、材質的拼接以及鮮明的用色,在其它服裝如:飛行外套、背心以及降落傘背帶也亦是如此,這些細節都讓今季的服裝比以往更加充滿活力與趣味。


Bob Jian, who specializes in tailor-made clothing, uses the brand BOB Jian. This season will start with the concept of Taiwanese folk festival “Temple Festival" will celebrate the flourish of Taiwanese fashion industry sheltered by gods and goddess. This series is accomplished by applying gorgeous colours, oriental patterns, and elements of the Eight Police Officer in the world of the dead. Brilliantly present the "Temple Festival" from childhood memories, give us a series of visual impact.

On March 15th, BOB Jian grandly released the 2021 autumn/winter collection in Warehouse No. 4 of Songyan Cultural and Creative Park. It is also the first time to release a series of works independently of Taipei Fashion Week. BOB Jian attempts to three dimensions of fashion design as fashion dress, haute couture, and installation art to presented to create a lively scene of folk celebrations and our own “Taiwanese Carnival."

"When I was young, my father usually performed as the Holy General or the Head Police Officer in the World of Dead. The ceremonious icons like facial makeups, costumes, accessories, and armaments fascinated me; when Father performed with the Holy General costumes, the heroic image of Gundam was hence built in the designer’s mind.” Therefore, this season BOB Jian invited the light art team, LUXY BOYZ, to build a 3-meter-high sized robot; featured with Chinese religious elements, this laser light show will shock the visual senses of all the viewers.

BOB Jian, stands as an haute couture brand, the mission is to provide tailormade costumes is the brand spirit and style. The dress design that is good at showing female figure joins the current popular sports style, presents a complete set of dress styles that are different from the past; the upper and lower body can be arbitrarily matched, combined with daily clothing, and in the show, there are more black tutu skirts deduced by male models, reflecting the uniqueness and matching of the series of dresses.

For men, BOB Jian also developed with "light formal wear" as the theme of the series, incorporating more interesting details into the formal wear; special tailoring, material splicing and bright colours. The same applies to other clothing, such as flying jackets, vests and parachute strap. These details make this season's clothing more vibrant and interesting than ever.


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