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  • Josh Lin

以經典為圭臬,屬於SILZENCE men的東方情韻 /SILZENCE men AW21

連續四屆躍上臺北時裝週的時尚舞台,以東方美學為靈感打造品牌「東裝 SILZENCE men」的陳俊良,強調時尚不是轉瞬即逝的流行風潮,而是找到屬於自己的經典。

SILZENCE men 秋冬時裝發表會已於3 月 14 日 2021 臺北時裝週 Taipei Fashion Week 經典演繹。本次時裝發表會以「壞色」為主題,「過盡千帆,渡春秋,繁華落盡,見真淳,洗盡鉛華,願放下,退卻塵紅,留本色!」詮釋歷經千帆之後的處之泰然,呈現洗盡鉛華的時裝風雅。

秉持著「找到經典就不要害怕流行」 的精神,把經典視為圭臬,以東方情韻為主軸的設計底蘊下,闡述東裝是把東方的美好通通裝起來, 設計的衣服簡約與純粹,將東方含蓄內斂精神發揚的極致,SILZENCE men 所體現的「新華流」風貌,巧妙地織度著當代服飾文化的時尚美學對話。

本次服裝設計以貫穿既視感的生活風景,立裁微修身多彩穿搭、多層次對比色寛邊、雙層織度面料等,以在地高紡質感融合時尚設計,細節呈現出雅緻,配搭艷色軟羊皮鏤空雷雕,如剪紙般東方風呂敷造形,穿帶出台灣時尚,呈現獻給世界的禮物。將源自在地優雅文化元素,風格多層次長版及膝內搭, 搭配微收腰合身剪裁短襖,立領東方線條佐以跳色收邊,打開長掛開襟,以細緻皮腰帶不規則纏繞,透過袖擺腰封設色,經典甜野流形,在動靜之間顯露出多姿多采之風尚。

陳俊良敘述:「 本次品牌秀特別之處,是將舞台背景採以故宮器物色彩汲取之色票為借景,充分展現 東方顏色審美意趣,構築出優雅氣韻生動,揭露灑脫淡然的穿衣哲學,演繹低調奢華的個性風尚。」 不僅服裝展現東方溫文儒雅的氣息,突破一般人對男裝的想像之外,在發表會的舞台意境,每一場都 費盡心思構想,用環境氛圍搭配主題,表露淋漓盡致的完美。


Jun-Liang Chen, who has been on the fashion stage of Taipei Fashion Week for four consecutive years, created the brand "SILZENCE men" inspired by oriental aesthetics, and emphasized that fashion is not a fleeting trend, but to find our own classic.

The SILZENCE men autumn/winter fashion conference has been a classic interpretation of Taipei Fashion Week 2021 on March 14th. The theme of this fashion conference is "Cassock Color", "Over a thousand sails, crossing the spring and autumn, the prosperity is gone, You can feel the simplicity and reality of life, Let go of the prosperous life and return to the ordinary, and stay true!"

Adhering to the spirit of "find classics, don't be afraid of fashion" Carried forward the introverted spirit of the East to its extreme. The climax of the oriental introverted spirit embodied by SILZENCE men, that is, the "new Chinese style", cleverly weaves the fashion aesthetic dialogue of contemporary clothing culture.

This clothing design is based on the life scenery that runs through the existing sense of life, three-piece tailoring, slightly colored dress, multi-level contrasting colors, double-layer woven fabrics, etc., as well as high-quality fabrics combined with fashionable design. Paired with brightly colored sheepskin hollow carvings, it is like a paper-cut oriental style, wearing Taiwanese fashion and presenting a gift to the world. The brand enhances works with draped high collars, embroidery, asymmetrical plackets, slanted cuts, etc. A variety of styles are revealed between the movement and the stillness.

Jun-Liang Chen stated: "The special feature of this brand show is that the stage background uses color tickets drawn from the colors of the Forbidden City artifacts as a borrowed scene, which fully demonstrates the aesthetic appeal of oriental colors, constructs an elegant and vivid charm, and exposes the free and easy dressing philosophy. Low-key and luxurious personality style.” Not only the clothing shows the elegant atmosphere of the East, but also breaks through the ordinary people's imagination of menswear. In the stage mood of the presentation, each stage of the conference is designed with great effort, and the environment is matched with the theme.


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