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沙中重生 White Lies 推出新單曲及宣布第六張專輯即將發行/ White Lies unveil new single and announce details of next album

Dylan Tang

英國搖滾樂團 White Lies 曾在一出道就取得英國牌行綁冠軍。時隔兩年,他們不但推出新單曲《As I Try Not To Fall Apart》更宣布第六張錄音室專輯《As I Try Not To Fall Apart》也將在 2022 年 2 月 18 日(五)推出。


隨著全新專輯即將推出,關於主打歌,White Lies表示:「我們很快就完成了主打歌,還記得那時已是深夜時分。而通常我們最快完成的歌,都不是突發奇想的靈感,而是用真心寫出來的。而我們 White Lies 希望旋律感覺像一首讚頌詞,儘管我們將其包裝成流行歌曲,但仍希望歌詞能帶出懺悔的感受。最重要的是,我們想透過 ''As I Try Not To Fall Apart'' 帶出『以男人的身份接受脆弱的一面,並知道有時脆弱是沒關係的』的訊息。這個想法現在不提何時提?」


在這首歌曲的MV中,White Lies 的主唱兼吉他手Harry 被沙子如沙漏般一點一滴地吞噬,最後卻又精彩掙脫。Harry 表示:「到被埋在沙子裡實在瘋狂,但這也象徵著不能放棄。 這種感覺真的很令人不寒而栗,我有好幾天都得從耳朵裡挖沙子,但我對這個音樂錄影帶感到很興奮,它真的傳達了這首歌的理念,而且看起來很美。」

這張專輯在倫敦西部的 Sleeper 和 Assault & Battery 工作室錄製,長期合作者 Ed Buller 參與了他們的許多專輯的製作,包括他們的處女作 To Lose My Life……,與 Claudius Mittendorfer (Weezer , Panic! At The Disco) 還製作並混音了整張專輯。


1. Am I Really Going To Die

2. As I Try Not To Fall Apart

3. Breathe

4. I Don’t Want To Go To Mars

5. Step Outside

6. Roll December

7. Ragworm

8. Blue Drift

9. The End

10. There Is No Cure For It


White Lies have announced details of their forthcoming sixth album, As I Try Not To Fall Apart, which will be released on Friday February 18th 2022.

Mate, It's Ok To Not Be Ok

The band have also shared the title track from the album, talking about which they said "We wrote this song quickly, late one night, and often the songs which come quickest are written from the gut and the heart, not with the head. We wanted the melody to feel like a hymn, to give the confessional lyrics weight despite being wrapped up as a pop song. It’s about accepting vulnerability as a man, and knowing it’s ok to be broken. There’s never been a more pressing time to spread the message that it’s ok to not be ok."

Rebirth from Sand

In the Music Video of As I Try Not to Fall Apart, Harry, lead vocals and guitarist from White Lies, were cover by sand like he sit in a hourglass, but broke free eventually. Thinking about this video Harry said "Being buried in sand was too mad to pass up. The sensation was really chilling and I was picking sand out of my ears for days, but I'm thrilled with the video, it really carries the message of the song and it looks beautiful.”

Recorded at Sleeper and Assault & Battery studios in West London, the album sees long-term collaborator Ed Buller, who has worked on many of their albums including their debut To Lose My Life…, return to produce several tracks along with Claudius Mittendorfer (Weezer, Panic! At The Disco) also producing and mixing the entire album.



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