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英搖巨人 Damon Albarn 釋出全新單曲Royal Morning Blue/ Damon Albarn unveiled NEW TRACK ‘Royal Morning Blue’

隨著 Damon Albarn 的新專輯 《The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows》 發行的日子愈來愈近。近期這位英搖傳奇又釋出新歌 Royal Morning Blue。在這首最新的單曲中,強勁的節奏搭配無垠想像的歌詞,宛如再為這張專輯注入一劑強心針。

「在那個當下,所有的感官都因我們曾體會過的黑暗而轉向正向且美好的事物。這也是為什麼這首歌開頭直接唱出『雨水轉化成雪』的原因。」- Damon Albarn

隨著這首單曲的釋出,Damon Albarn 也同步推出這首歌的現場演奏影片。影片以全黑白色調建構而成,光是運鏡就讓人沈迷在他所打造的音樂世界裡頭。

Damon Albarn 的全新新錄音室專輯 《The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows》 將在 2021 年 11 月 12 日發行。這張專輯最初是作為受冰島風景啟發的管弦樂作品。2020 年時,Damon 在封城中回歸到音樂的核心,不僅創作出11首全新歌曲,更透過這 11 首歌探索脆弱、失落、湧現和重生。這張專輯可說是 Damon Albarn 作為音樂人的完整故事集。而專輯名稱則是取自約翰克萊爾的詩 《Love and Memory》。

Damon Albarn 在不斷變化和探索的音樂生涯中,將這張唱片拓展出以往未嘗試的領域;他不僅使用了管弦樂,更透過管弦樂的旋律,不和諧與感染力的威嚴氣場交相輝映,如同這張專輯打造出的美麗和混亂。

《The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows》 生動地記錄了人類情緒的潮起潮落,處於所有極端狀態,是我們能在這個時代豐富靈魂的作品。

《The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows》將在2021年11月12日發行


The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows

The Cormorant

Royal Morning Blue


Daft Wader

Darkness To Light


The Tower Of Montevideo

Giraffe Trumpet Sea




The release date of Damon Albarn's new album The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows is getting closer. Recently, the legend of Britpop released a new song Royal Morning Blue. This latest single's strong rhythm and infinitely imaginable lyrics are like a strong liquor in this forthcoming album.

With the release of this single, Damon Albarn also released a live performance video of this song. The film is constructed in all monochrome, and the camera movement makes people indulge in the world of music created by this legend.

"That's why the song opens with 'Rain turning into snow,' because it's that moment, that feeling. In all the darkness that we have experienced, that was such a beautiful, positive thing." - Damon Albarn

The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows is the new studio album from Damon Albarn, out 12th November 2021 on Transgressive Records. Originally intended as an orchestral piece inspired by the landscapes of Iceland, 2020 saw Albarn return to the music in lockdown and develop the work to 11 tracks which further explore themes of fragility, loss, emergence and rebirth. The result is a panoramic collection of songs with Albarn as storyteller. The album title is taken from a John Clare poem Love and Memory.

In a career of perpetual musical shifts and exploration, the record uncovers more ground, finding expansive orchestral arrangements nestling with intimate melodies, discordance brushing up against infectious majesty, all set to some of Albarn's most arresting vocal performances to date. Much like the beauty and chaos of the natural world it soundtracks, The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows vividly documents the emotional ebb and flow of the human condition, in all its extremes, serving as a soul enriching document for our times.

The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows will be released on 12th November 2021

The tracklisting is as follows:

The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows

The Cormorant

Royal Morning Blue


Daft Wader

Darkness To Light


The Tower Of Montevideo

Giraffe Trumpet Sea




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