
如果今天被拆的禮物裡頭是一個打著環保口號的單品,那麼不管對方再怎麼不喜歡,還是會給你一定程度上的肯定。畢竟,誰都不想要沾上 “不愛地球” 的名聲繼續行走江湖。
法國時裝品牌 Longchamp 今年推出的Green District系列,正好是以ECONYL®(再生尼龍)創作出來的永續時尚包款。雖然說已經解決一個送禮難題,但延伸出來的選擇障礙,還是會讓人哭笑不得。畢竟只是單純的想要送個禮物,為什麼非得在五個款式以及三個顏色中做出選擇?難道沒有一個單品是有辦法容納這些全部的元素嗎?

這個問題的答案也很明顯「不可能」!畢竟市場上還沒有一位設計師能夠將黑色、石灰色與藍蘇格蘭格紋,以及二合一後背包、雙肩背包、腰包、斜揹包及旅行袋,全部融合再一起推出給消費者購買。所以與其想些未雨綢繆的是,不如進到店裡仔細挑選。畢竟不管對方喜不喜歡,這個使用ECONYL®的Green District系列,收到的人都會因為是永續時尚的包款而給你致上無限的肯定。
最近因為《刻在你心底的名字》電影而成為少男、少女們心中的新壞男神代表-曾敬驊,其實對這個系列也有屬於自己的見解。曾敬驊說:「全新推出的Green District 系列非常令我驚艷,包身採用海洋廢料製成的再生尼龍面料,在展現時尚之餘還能愛護地球,很喜歡這樣的設計理念。」
正所謂後浪推前浪,而前浪為了不死在沙灘上,只能將後浪成為自己的一部分。這也是為什麼Longchamp 從1948年創立以來一直能夠歷久不衰的原因吧!每每推出新產品,除了找重量級的明星出席外,有時候跟著新潮流的腳步,讓更多年輕人能夠了解時尚品牌經營的用心,或許才是品牌活得長久的生存技巧。

I believe everyone knows that the second half of the year is about to have fun with friends and family. Moreover, in major holidays, giving gifts has become the most important thing for young people. After all, young people in their early 30s can't do something that elders are used to doing.
Pick a fashion good
However, giving gifts sometimes can be very annoying. I believe many people still have choice barriers or worry that the receiver will not respond with a proper manner. Therefore, to help yourself find an appropriate gift, you should consider more carefully.
Under the name of sustainability
Nowadays, if an unwrapped gift is a single item with a slogan of sustainability, no matter how much the person doesn’t like it, it will still give you a certain degree of certainty. After all, no one wants to walk with a name with 'don't care about the earth'.
Green District launched by Longchamp. This collection created by ECONYL® (recycled nylon). If you pick this gift, the gift-giving problem has been solved but the selection barriers still make people dumbfounded. The truth is if we just want to give a gift, why would we still have to choose between five styles and three colours? Isn't there a single product that can contain all these elements?
The answer to this question is also obviously "impossible"! Because we haven't seen a designer has able to integrate black, lime and blue Scottish tartan, as well as two-in-one backpacks, backpacks, waist packs, cross-body bags and travel bags. So instead of thinking about this never-end problem, it's better to go into the store and choose carefully.
Tseng Jing-Hua, A New symbol of Bad Boy
Recently, because of the movie "Your Name Engraved Herein", Tseng Jing-Hua has become the representative of the new bad boy icon. In addition, he has his own opinions on this collection. He said: 'The newly Green District collection is very amazing to me. The bag is made of recycled nylon fabric made of marine waste. It can also care for the earth while showing fashion. I like this concept.'
As the saying goes, 'The new overthrow the old. It's natural'. Hence, If you don't want to vanish after you pass away, you need to let the new be part of old. That's why Longchamp has been able to keep the fame for a long time since its establishment in 1948.