對許多人來說,學院風一直以來都是不敗的穿搭風格,不論什麼場合只要穿上牛津布襯衫、麻花毛衣、Rugby Polo衫、燈芯絨長褲等單品,那麼就能呈現濃厚的紳士風格。
說到今年的學院風格影集,《緋聞少女》(Gossip Girl) 可說是代表作。裡頭的人雖然是穿著學生制服,但學院風也正是從學校而來,因此想要從學院風穿出高級感,這部影集倒是個很好的參考對象。

雖然《緋聞少女》的故事情節在紐約,但是富有自由文藝氣息的波士頓和散發貴族優雅風範的格林威治,更是學院風盛行的城市。說到這,Polo Ralph Lauren 的秋冬2021系列剛好就將波士頓的貴族學院風優雅呈現。

Polo Ralph Lauren在這個秋冬以牛津布襯衫、麻花毛衣、Rugby Polo衫、燈芯絨長褲等重點單品,演繹經典學院風格。蘇格蘭格紋、條紋、丹寧等設計元素,為男士建構率性活力的樣貌,彰顯濃厚的學院文化。深具品牌特色的費爾島毛衣(Fair Isle Sweater),承襲蘇格蘭北邊小島的在地編織工藝,散發溫暖的氣息。繽紛多彩的花紋,洋溢歡樂氣息,更成為秋冬貴族學院風格的特色單品之一。
除此之外,今年秋冬,Polo Ralph Lauren將運動潮流融入時尚設計,推出男裝幽靈系列,展現青春活力。色彩鮮豔醒目的拚色方塊、條紋、迷彩圖案貫穿於全系列中,飾以標誌性的Polo圖案,型塑充滿美式精神的街頭風格。

女裝方面,Polo Ralph Lauren以浪漫印花、知性灰調與經典學院風格進行演繹。浪漫印花來自波士頓公園中的美麗景致,大地色、酒紅、卡其色為主色調,多款不規則裙襬的飄逸洋裝,以及領口蝴蝶結繫帶設計的軟質襯衫、羊毛中性西裝外套等,打造極致優雅的女性風情。林予晞表示:「看到Polo Ralph Lauren最新的秋冬服裝系列,讓我想起那段在美國讀書的時光。波士頓秋天景致真的好美,那裡有哈佛大學,整座城市的氛圍自由又開放。像板球開襟式外套、費爾島毛衣這類學院風單品,就會令人聯想到波士頓、格林威治等美國城市,搭配帶有女人味的花苞褲、飄逸的長裙,又會顯得很優雅,其實這就是我很愛、平時很常穿的風格。」

For many people, the preppy style has always been unbeaten. Speaking of this year's TV series with preppy style, Gossip Girl should be the one we shall bring it up. Although the characters in it are dressed in uniform, the preppy style is literally from the school. Therefore, give it a try, if you want to handle the preppy style, you should watch Gossip Girl for your reference.
Back to Boston
The story of Gossip Girl is set in New York, but Boston's preppy style is even better. Why do we say that? Because Polo Ralph Lauren's AW21 collection is full of Boston's aristocratic preppy style.
This autumn, Polo Ralph Lauren interprets classic styles with key items such as twist sweaters, rugby Polo shirts, corduroy trousers, etc. In addition, designed elements such as tartan, stripes, tannins, etc., to have a reckless and energetic look. Furthermore, the brand-featured Fair Isle Sweater represents the northern island's elasticity.

"Artistic is to preserve uniqueness" Allison Lin
Polo Ralph Lauren performed romantic prints, intellectual grey tones, and classic academic styles in women's clothing. The romantic print comes from the beautiful scenery in Boston Common. The main colours are earth, burgundy, khaki, elegant dresses with irregular skirts, soft shirts with a bow tie design at the neckline, a neutral wool suit jacket, etc.
Allison Lin said: "Seeing Polo Ralph Lauren's latest autumn/winter 2021 collection reminds me of my time when I was studying in the United States. Boston's autumn scenery is really beautiful. There is Harvard University. The atmosphere of the whole city is free and open like cricket. Preppy style items such as cardigan jackets and Fair Isle sweaters are reminiscent of American cities such as Boston and Greenwich. Paired with feminine bud pants and flowing long skirts, they will look very elegant. In fact, this is the style I love and wear very often.”
