英國搖滾歌手 Miles Kane 發行了全新單曲 ‘Loaded’ ,這一張單曲是繼 Kane 2013發行的第二張個人專輯 Don't Forget Who You Are 後睽違五年的全新作品,根據他本人說到:
「Loaded 是我最喜歡的一首歌曲之一,因為這是我經過長時間休息之後寫下的一首全新單曲;這一首歌非常的酷而且充滿著自信;這首歌的歌詞解釋著我上一次感情中的起起伏伏,我相信大家也會對這首歌的歌詞感到有所感觸。用一首強勢的歌曲回歸讓我覺得非常的開心而且有歌手的經典。謝謝 Jamie T 和 Lana 一起幫我完成這一首美麗的作品。」

如果 Kane 所說的,’Loaded’ 的歌詞的確描述著當你在感情中所會面臨到的大起大落;因為當你所愛的人正不斷的以情感勒索你,那麼這一段感情到底是不是該繼續下去,還是你有跳脫漩渦看清這一切的勇氣呢?
Miles Kane 的全新單曲現在已經可以在各大串流平台上提供播放;如果你對於英式搖滾也情有獨鍾,那麼這一張單曲就會是你揮別冬季戀情後,迎接全新夏日人生的開場曲。
Miles Kane, British rocker, launched his newest single ‘Loaded’. It’s been five years since Kane released his second solo album Don't Forget Who You Are in 2017. According to Kane, this is song is special for him and everyone
‘Loaded is one of my favourite songs I’ve ever written and was the one that popped up as the perfect song to release first after a long break. It sounds so cool and has a lot of confidence! Lyrically it explains my last relationship the ups and down of love something that everyone can relate too! Classic! Back with a banger of a song and it feels great! Thanks to Jamie T and Lana as well for helping me craft this beauty.’

As Kane said, ‘Loaded’s lyrics can literally hit your mind if you are facing your cyclone in your relationship. Because if your lover keeps emotional blackmail to you, then do you think he or she is the ONE in your life? Do you have courage to jump out cycle and face the reality?
Miles Kane’s newest single ‘Loaded’ is available on Apple Music, Spotify and iTunes for you. If you are ready to get rid of your miserable winter memory, then this song will be your opening song for your brand new life in summer.