每一個時尚豪門都想要在已經是紅海市場的服飾產業開創出新的藍海。但是不管是配件、美妝,還是找來個大名人聯名,似乎都無法再打開新的一道門。但貴為精品龍頭,Louis Vuitton當然想的跟一般人不一樣。今年,除了在上海盛大的舉辦時裝秀外,這個法國品牌又推出了與NBA的聯名系列。

Louis Vuitton 將與美國國家籃球協會(National Basketball Association,簡稱NBA)推出膠囊系列(也正是所謂的聯名系列)。這個全新系列將由男裝創意總監Virgil Abloh主導,並會持續三個年頭。畢竟對許多喜愛運動的人言,衣櫥裡除了球衣,再多一件LVxNBA的時裝,或許也不會是什麼稀奇的事。

「相對性」是這一次膠囊系列的主要概念,其中幾個設計重點便是將球衣的幾個元素轉換到時裝裡。例如:灰色羊絨運動服有籃球線條的圖案、藍色連帽皮夾克、Monogram牛仔褲和短袖上衣。在這幾個單品中,NBA的商標巧妙地融入了Louis Vuitton的logo。而這也是為什麼這個系列會取名為「相對性」的原因。畢竟,時裝與運動服飾?怎麼想都有點水火不容的感覺,因此當這個成品出現時,服裝間的關聯性與不同產業間的價值觀,恰巧成為兩大豪門相對卻也契合的最佳表現。
「時尚的靈感並不可預測。但奢侈品的概念卻同樣可以在運動產業中發現。這就像是傳統時尚中的藝術表象。這個系列主要在表彰籃球在文化上的貢獻及其多樣化的特徵,以及當今大家都是一體的現實世界。」Virgil Abloh

Every fashion house wants to create a new blue ocean in the fashion industry that is already the Red Sea market. But whether it's accessories, beauty, or finding a collaborated celebrity, it seems impossible to open a new door. But as a leader in fashion, Louis Vuitton certainly thinks differently. This year, in addition to holding a grand fashion show in Shanghai, the French brand has launched a capsule collection with the NBA.

Relatability: the lionisation of accessible or familiar imagery
Louis Vuitton and the National Basketball Association (NBA) has launched a capsule collection. This new collection will be led by Virgil Abloh, the creative director of menswear, and will last for three years. After all, many people love sports, in addition to the jerseys in the closet, it may not be difficult for another LVxNBA fashion to be added.
'Relatability' is the concept of this capsule collection, and several of the design focuses are to transform several elements of the jersey into fashion. For example, grey cashmere tracksuit adorned with graphics informed by the lines of a basketball; game arrivals manifest in a blue hooded leather jacket, Monogram jeans and t-shirts. In these items, the NBA's trademark is cleverly integrated into the Louis Vuitton logo. And this is why this collection had named 'Relatability'

After all, fashion and sportswear? No matter how you think it feels a bit incompatible. When this collection unveiled, the correlation between clothing and the values of different industries happened to be the best performance of the two giants relative to each other.
“Fashion muses aren’t predictable. Ideas of luxury can be found in the sports world and its champions as much as in traditional forms of artistry. This collection celebrates the cultural contribution of basketball and its diverse characters, and the idea of relatability as a force of unity today,” comments Virgil Abloh, Men’s Artistic Director of Louis Vuitton.