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Dylan Tang

Lanvin 與林柏宏一同展現冒險家靈魂/ Lanvin and Lin Bo-Hong symbolised the ideal adventurer soul

Lanvin 的秋冬系列以新一代的浪漫主義為主軸;其中大膽的鮮豔配色、漫畫角色為靈感的男裝,和兼具個性及優雅的女裝系列皆象徵著創意總監Bruno Sialelli心中理想的冒險家靈魂。

這個法國時裝品牌在這個秋天,於台北信義新天地A9館打造全新快閃店,並邀請了台灣演員林柏宏演繹LANVIN 2020秋冬男裝。這個快閃店不僅有受矚目的話題性單品PENCIL BAGUETTE“鉛筆盒包”,BENTO MINAUDIERE“紅唇包”也在快閃店中首次亮相。此外,這間店的獨家商品Bumper運動鞋,更是Lavin 第一款中性風設計的運動鞋款。靈感源自於70年代,這個Bumper的鞋面選用防水尼龍、麂皮等多種材質,更搭配LANVIN獨家研發的三層加厚鞋底結構,質輕避震、柔軟耐磨,鞋底和鞋帶的做舊處理,打造出可與高級成衣完美搭配呼應的新休閒風格。

快閃店獨家商品_Bumper_Exclusive Products

林柏宏當天身上穿著的是這一季Lavin 最新一季的男裝針織衫,其中鋪滿亮片的設計不僅讓林柏宏驚艷,更讓他與他最新主演的電影《怪胎》產生連結。

「我覺得這件衣服很可愛,有一點符合我這個很怪胎的個性。」- 林柏宏

林柏宏一襲LANVIN秋冬20系列/Lin Bo-Hong wore LANVIN AW20

Lanvin's autumn/winter collection is based on a new generation of romanticism; among them, the bold and bright colour, the manga-inspired menswear, and the personalized but also elegant womenswear is all symbolised the ideal adventurer soul in the heart of creative director Bruno Sialelli.

This French fashion brand created a new pop-up store in Taipei Xinyi Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Hall A9 this autumn and invited Taiwanese actor Lin Bo-Hong to model LANVIN AW20 menswear. This pop-up store not only has the topical item PENCIL BAGUETTE but also the BENTO MINAUDIERE made its debut in this pop-up store in Taiwan. In addition, the exclusive Bumper sneakers sell at this store is Lavin's first sneaker with a neutral design. Inspired by the 70s, the upper of this Bumper is made of water-resistant nylon, suede and other materials. It is also equipped with a three-layer thick sole structure exclusively developed by LANVIN. It is lightweight, shock-absorbing, soft and wear-resistant. The sole and laces are made old treatment on purpose. No doubt, it's a new casual style that can be perfectly matched with high-end garments.

Lin Bo-Hong was wearing the latest season of Lavin's men's knitted sweater that day. The sequined design not only surprised this actor but also linked him to his latest movie "I WeirDo".

'I adore this design because it perfectly suits my weirdo personality.' Lin Bo-Hong



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