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FRAME 和 Bruce Weber 的時尚對話/ FRAME's visual conversation with Bruce Weber

Dylan Tang

FRAME 一直以丹寧布料作為品牌的核心產品,不管在男裝還是在女裝上都有著亮眼的表現,也是深受許多人在購買丹寧性質服裝的熱門品牌。

這次推出的形象廣告找來了知名服裝攝影師 Bruce Weber 來操刀拍攝,FRAME的創立者 Erik Torstensson 和 Jens Grede 一直以來都想用更具有創意的方式來表現丹寧性質的服裝;因此在這一次的形象廣告拍攝前,他們只將服裝寄送給Bruce Weber,並且任由他發揮出自己的特色視覺。

Bruce Weber 在收到服裝後沒多久,便將這次一系列的照片寄送回去,並讓所有人再次的讚嘆,原來丹寧服裝可以藉由這樣與眾不同的方式來呈現出吸睛的效果;Weber 這一次不僅打破丹寧服裝既有的呈現效果,更找來了九零年代的超模 Elaine Irwin 出任廣告;有趣的是,雖然在這一次有超模擔綱演出,但是大家卻依然注視著照片的拍攝手法以及FRAME的服裝展現;看來所謂的時尚和創意已經不再是大家印象中的那麼大膽前衛,而是依然可以多樣變化的親民和深植人心。

FRAME unveiled their latest campaign with Bruce Weber, and it virally spread on the Internet.

FRAME incepted in 2012, as a denim fashion brand, co-founders Erik Torstensson and Jens Grede always fancy to use a creativity way to showcase their products, therefore, the famous fashion photographer, Bruce Weber, is their first choice to conduct this campaign.

This Campaign, FRAME only sent their products to Bruce Weber, afterward, Bruce could made this collaboration on his way. As the result, we all can see Weber broke the frame for the stereotype of fashion, especially for denim. He found 90s super model Elaine Irwin featured in this campaign and used an unique way to presented FRAME's denim. From the topless girl to a nude man, Bruce Weber proved again that fashion and creativity is not just bold and edge. It also can be sexy but in an affectionate way.


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