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  • Dylan Tang

Bottega Veneta讓出舞台 Matthieu Blazy更重義大利文化精髓/ Bottega for Bottegas, Matthieu Blazy is unpredictable

Bottega Veneta 新任創意總監Matthieu Blazy稍早在個人社群媒體上發布了最新影片及數張Bottega to Bottegas 的照片。隨著時裝週即將到來,這是否為 Blazy 為自己在Bottega Veneta 的處女秀鳴的第一槍呢?

根據影片中所寫 There’s one word that represents Italian creative excellence in the world: BOTTEGA. 這句話有趣的地方是 Bottega 在義大利文中有「店鋪」之意,而影片隨後又加上「在這假期季節裡,Bottega Veneta 將退出聚光燈並將舞台留給其他 Bottegas (指其他店舖) 」然後開始出現義大利的各個品牌產品將這個義大利時尚品牌的產品下架,改放他們的物品。或許這是創意總監Matthieu Blazy 想傳達的一個意象。

說不定Matthieu Blazy的最新系列將回到義大利的核心,不論美食、民族、亦或者生活態度,都可能成為 Bottega Veneta 最新系列的靈感繆思。


Matthieu Blazy, the Creative Director of Bottega Veneta, posted the newest video and photos with a mark of Bottega to Bottegas. Is it a hint for us that his first collection at Bottega Veneta is dropping soon?

According to the video, it says ‘There’s one word that represents Italian creative excellence in the world: BOTTEGA.’ The funniest thing is Bottega in Italian means shop. And that’s why the following sentence from this video make sense so much.

‘The holiday season. Bottega Veneta stepped out of the spotlight to give other Bottegas the stage.’ And those Italian products literally took over luxury bags’ place at the store. It’s kinda cool but also let us think deeper ‘It definitely is a hint for his coming up collection.’ Don’t you think so?


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