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  • Dylan Tang

成為龐德?OMEGA 海馬潛水300米限定款能幫忙/ Want to be James Bond? OMEGA’s SEAMASTER DIVER 300M 007 edition can help

《007生死交戰》(No Time To Die)已經上映一陣子,不論你是否看過這部由丹尼爾克雷格最後一次主演的龐德電影,他手上那枚腕錶一定都讓你留下深刻印象。尤其在電影預告中龐德對特務 Q 表達自己的欽佩之情時說:「方才給別人看了你所改造的腕錶,他們大開眼界。」


在《007生死交戰》中的 OMEGA 腕錶是專為拍攝所特製的款式;現實世界中,這款腕錶所運用的工藝技術去跟電影中相差無幾,光從這點就可看出歐米茄的製錶技術精緻且卓越。

這次OMEGA 推出的海馬潛水300米007限定款 同樣取得大師天文台認證,代表它在精度、性能和抗磁方面,皆通過瑞士鐘錶業最高標準的測試和認證。這只腕錶採用OMEGA別出心裁的技術,包括同軸擒縱機構、矽質游絲及其它非鐵金屬材料,能夠抵禦高達15,000高斯的磁場(類似於核磁共振掃描儀的磁場)。

不論你現在看過電影,還是只欣賞過預告片。這款OMEGA在自家實驗室中使用輕質的2級鈦金屬製作出海馬潛水300米007限定款,我們仍會建議你親自配戴看看。畢竟配有「熱帶(tropical)」棕色錶盤、獨特的軍事標記,以及可搭配鈦金屬網紋錶鏈或條紋 NATO 錶帶的其他誘因,都是為這部電影和丹尼爾克雷格致上最高敬意的一個好方法。


007 No Time To Die has been in theatres for a while. Whether you have watched this movie starring Daniel Craig for the last time or not, James Bond's watch will definitely impress you.

Virtual and reality are almost the same

The OMEGA watch in 007 No Time To Die is specially made for the movie. However, in reality, the craftsmanship used in this watch is almost the same as in the movie. From this point, you can see that Omega's watchmaking technology is exquisite and excellent.

OMEGA remained in close contact with Daniel Craig and the filmmakers during the creation of this unique watch. Craig’s influence and advice played a big role in the final design, and his knowledge of James Bond was critical in creating a suitable timepiece for the spy.

It doesn't matter if you have watched the movie or only watched the trailer. This OMEGA uses lightweight Grade 2 Titanium has been used for the 42 mm case and titanium mesh bracelet, making this watch particularly strong and light. Perfect for an undercover agent. It is also available on a striped NATO strap.


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