義大利時裝品牌 VERSACE 推出了最新 homewear 的春夏2019形象廣告,在這一支形象廣告中 Versace 找來了模特兒Augusta Alexander、Gabriel Thiam、Igor Kapianets 和 Niccolo Patti 一起穿上了最新的居家服飾。
想當然在這一支形象廣告中,模特兒展露了好身材,更為了展現 Versace 的性感氛圍而將地點搬至理髮廳,更顯示了男性們的陽剛性感氛圍。
這一支廣告由攝影師 Greg Swales 掌鏡並且由 Giorgio Ammirabile 擔任造型師。
Italian fashion brand Versace unveiled their homewear spring/summer 2019 campaign. In this campaign Versace home featured model Augusta Alexander, Gabriel Thiam, Igor Kapianets, and Niccolo Patti.
According to Versace’s style, apparently this photography alongside models fitness body. Furthermore, the photographer Greg Swales shot in a barbershop, this location obviously upgraded model’s masculine vibes and getting more sexier.
This campaign styled by Giorgio Ammirabile.