Hardy 的預告第一次出現在跨年夜的節目中,他說:「冒險最好的就是與你最好的朋友一起,尤其你最好的朋友是一隻狗。」這個劇情設定也和他即將念的 The Cloudspotter 內容一樣,都是主角與狗的冒險故事。
另外有傳言Tom Hardy 因為拍攝與製作 Taboo 這部片損失了將近兩百萬英鎊 (約八千萬臺幣),但是以目前他在戲劇圈的聲勢來說,如果真的損失了這樣金額似乎也不是太重要的事情了。
Taboo actor is going to read the Bedtime Story in BBC channel for Valentine's Day. He appeared on the TV for promoted this with his best friend Woodstock on New Year's Eve. (Yes, with a lovely dog)
Hardy will read The Cloudspotter by Tom McLaughlin. His episode will air on CBeebies at 6.40 pm tonight. (UTC+0)
On the other hand, here is a rumour that Tom lost nearly £2 million for producing Taboo. However, this drama literally pushes Hardy's actor career on another peak. The eight episodes drama will air the last one on February 25.