美國紐約時裝品牌 Thom Browne 推出了2017秋冬形象廣告
Thom Browne 這次找來了攝影師Thomas Goldblum操刀拍攝,再次創造出Thom Browne 2017秋冬男裝的神秘氛圍
Thom Browne 在2011年起家,從一個預約制的小店鋪開始起頭,裡面甚至只有五套西裝陳列給顧客,到現在已經成為時裝界不可以忽視的要點品牌之一;2013年 Thom Browne 推出了他首次的成衣系列,並從自此之後他在設計服裝上的大膽風格便成為大家茶餘飯後的話題,甚至從 紐約的大都會博物館裡的Costume Institute、倫敦的 V&A 博物館以及英國巴斯的時尚博物館都有收藏他的作品。
Thom Browne 甫從出道以來都是一個以實力取勝的時裝設計師,在這個強敵四伏的大環境裡頭,他每每證明著自己的價值;2012年獲得 Cooper Hewitt National Design Award、2008年獲得 GQ Designer of the Year、以及在 06、13、 16年獲得美國設計師至高無上的獎項 CFDA 年度男裝設計師首獎。
Thom Browne 的成功不是偶然,而是靠著自己的實力一次又一次的證明自己不只是一位設計譁眾取寵的設計師,而是一位創造時尚的藝術家。
New York Fashion house Thom Browne unveiled his Autumn/Winter 2017 Campaign
This campaign shoot by photographer Thomas Goldblum
Thom Browne founded in 2011, He started his business from a small by-appointment-only store that only had five suits to showed his customers. However, His legendary story just began from this tiny tailor store.
His first ready-to-wear collection introduced by Mr. Browne in 2013, since then his mighty-style of fashion design has started trending. His traditionally based hand-made suits have evolved into collections recognised by museums around the world including the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Fashion Museum in Bath.
Thom Browne is not just a name, furthermore, Browne proves to everyone in this industry that He is full of skills and he is born to be a fashion designer. He has been honoured the CFDA Menswear Designer of the Year Award in 2016, 2013 and 2006, the GQ Designer of the Year in 2008 and the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award in 2012.
Thom Browne is not succeed by coincident, if you've chance to see his work properly, and read his story meticulously then you can figure his isn't just a fashion designer, He is an artist of fashion.
Where to Buy & more Information
Photos courtesy of Thom Browne