The North Face 從1966年創立之後,一直都是許多戶外玩家們的首選品牌。至於面對“探險”這一詞,義大利時裝豪門Gucci 當然也不會輕易地錯過。畢竟創意總監 Alessandro Michele 接管這個品牌後,每一次的時裝秀都是挑戰世人對於時裝的大膽旅程。
但若我們將探險這兩字好好的頗析一番,它的意思其實是「到未知的或危險的地方探索。」而正因為未知,所以人們才會感到危險。這對許多人來說或許不是什麼具有吸引力的單字,不過若將時尚的元素加進去,它的吸引力可能會再提高一些。尤其 The North Face x Gucci 這個聯名系列已經將環保材質加入在單品中,因此帶上這個時髦又不失環境友善的單品前往大自然,才是這個聯名想要表達的核心概念吧!

為了將這一個聯名系列推廣至全世界,它的形象廣告以70年代作為整體的視覺表現。在那一個因為有無數戰爭,而讓嬉皮文化崛起的年代,往戶外出走,才是真正符合這個聯名系列美好的樣子。在形象廣告中,你會聽到洋溢著70年代氛圍的音樂,因為當時的 The North Face 還是位於加州伯克利正在嶄露鋒芒的戶外運動用品品牌,與其他品牌共享工廠與店鋪,且緊鄰著Credence Clearwater Revival的錄音室,而Credence Clearwater Revival的經典歌曲「Bad Moon Rising」也成為貫穿整支廣告影片的靈魂歌曲。
此外,嬉皮主張的“愛與和平” 在這個系列中也清晰可見。怎麼說呢?因為我們除了要避免戰爭,更要好好的愛護大自然,才是當代人們該正視的課題。因此,這個系列中的行李箱採用了ECONYL®,這是一種從回收材料(漁網、地毯及其他廢料)中提取的尼龍織物,可循環使用,有助於減少生態碳足跡。包裝提袋、包裝盒以及防塵袋則採用了精妙的設計方法。所有紙張及紙盒都來自採用可永續經營管理方式的森林,而無塗層紙張則可確保完全可回收。為減少紙張使用,該系列為包裝盒配上手提繩,節約了購物袋使用。大件商品採用購物袋和包裝棉布,不使用包裝盒。
雖然越戰、冷戰的年代已經是上個世紀的事情,嬉皮文化更與當時崛起時有些不同;但這一次 The North Face x Gucci 的聯名系列仍將我們帶回那個年代的美好。畢竟「以古為鏡,可以見興替」想要在亂世中求生存,不僅時尚品牌要丟出更多新方法,身為消費者也更應該試著從中找到更美好的方式來為這個世界多做些什麼。

The North Face x Gucci聯名系列 快閃店資訊
The North Face x Gucci collection Pop-up store information
Time: December 31, 2020 (Tue) ~ January 26, 2021 (Tue)
Location: Taipei Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi A11, South Gate, 1st Floor (No. 11 Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City)

Since The North Face launched in 1966, it has always been the top choice for many outdoorers. As for the word 'Adventure', Gucci will certainly not easily miss it. After all, after creative director Alessandro Michele took over the brand, every fashion show challenged the world's bold journey towards fashion.
But if we analyse the word very well, it means "to explore unknown or dangerous places." This definition may not be an attractive word for many people, but it will be improved if fashion elements are involved. For example, The North Face x Gucci collection has added environmentally friendly materials to every single product. Therefore, bringing this fashionable and ecologically friendly product to nature is the core concept that this collection wants to express!

Pop culture in the 70s
In order to promote this co-branded collection to the world, the campaign inherited the 70s as a whole. In that era, when hippie culture rose because of countless wars, going outdoors truly fits this collection. In the campaign, you will hear music permeated with the atmosphere of the 70s, because at the time The North Face was still a brand of outdoor sports goods in Berkeley, California. It shares factories and stores with other brands and is next to Credence Clearwater Revival. Hence, Credence Clearwater Revival's classic song "Bad Moon Rising" has become the soul song throughout the entire film.
Besides, the "Love and Peace" advocated by hippies is also clearly visible in this collection. For instance, we must not only avoid wars but also take good care of the motherland. Therefore, the suitcases in this collection use ECONYL®, a nylon fabric extracted from recycled materials (fishing nets, carpets and other waste), which can be recycled and help reduce the environmental carbon footprint. The packaging bags, packaging boxes and dust-proof bags adopt sophisticated design methods. All papers and cartons come from forests that adopt sustainable management methods, while uncoated paper can ensure complete recyclability. Furthermore, shopping bags and packing cotton cloth are used for bulky goods, instead of packing boxes.
Although the Vietnam War and the Cold War era are the things of the last century, the hippie culture is somewhat different from when it rose up. This time, The North Face x Gucci collection still brings us back to the beauty of that era. After all, "Taking the past as a mirror, you can see the rise and fall" If you want to survive in troubled times that we are facing now, not only fashion brands have to throw more new methods. As consumers, we should also try to find better ways to contribute to the world.

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