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Dylan Tang

歷史教會我們的事《小斧頭》橫掃BAFTA六項大獎/ Small Axe, the supernova at BAFTA

隨著英國電影和電視藝術學院(British Academy of Film and Television Arts, BAFTA)落幕,紅毯上眾星的穿搭儼然成為民眾關注的焦點。畢竟經過慘淡的2020年,明星們好不容易能夠再參加大型頒獎典禮,身上的行頭當然也得更著墨才行。


《小斧頭》(Small Axe) 在今年的BAFTA共獲得六個獎項,是所有入圍的電視影集中的囊括最多獎項的作品。這部描述1960-1980年間倫敦西印度區發生的真實影集,由金獎導演史提夫麥昆執導,講述過去不同膚色間的爭執與摩擦。劇中單獨的五個影集,也因為演員演技精湛,獲得許多肯定。


Malachi Kirby © Prada
Malachi Kirby © Prada


贏得最佳男配角的馬拉基·寇比(Malachi Kirby), 身穿PRADA海軍藍雙排扣馬海毛西裝外套,搭配白色府綢襯衫和三角形LOGO尖頭樂福鞋。

Michael Ward © Louis Vuitton
Michael Ward © Louis Vuitton


演員麥可·沃德(Michael Ward)穿著路易威登訂製西裝出席英國電視學院獎,並以 《小斧頭》(Small Axe) 入圍最佳男配角獎。

Letitia Wright © Prada
Letitia Wright © Prada


以 《小斧頭》(Small Axe) 入圍最佳女主角的莉蒂西亞·萊特(Letitia Wright), 身穿PRADA水晶寶石刺繡迷你洋裝,搭配黑色高跟涼鞋。


After the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has finished, there's one series that we have to follow up. And the outfits of celebrities on the red carpet have become the focus of public attention again. After all, the pandemic 2020, celebrities can't really participate in the ceremonies, but now they make it happen again.

"If you are a big tree, then we are a small axe."

Small Axe won six awards in this year's BAFTA, which is the most award-winning TV series. This film depicting the real events in London's West Indies from 1960 to 1980, directed by director Steve McQueen, tells about the disputes and frictions between the different community in the past.

Small Axe not only has a great story but also includes amazing actors. Besides, actors and actress don't only have outstanding acting skills but their remarkable fashion sense.

Malachi Kirby

Malachi Kirby, who won the Best Supporting Actor, wore a PRADA navy blue double-breasted mohair suit jacket, paired with a white poplin shirt and triangular LOGO pointed loafers.

Michael Ward

Michael Ward wore a Louis Vuitton tailored suit to attend the awards. He was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor with "Small Axe".

Letitia Wright

Letitia Wright, nominated for the Best Actress, wore a PRADA crystal gem embroidered mini dress and paired it with black high-heeled sandals.


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