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  • Dylan Tang

2019 六國賽:威爾斯巨龍的逆轉/ Six Nations, Dragon’s fightback


在上半場法國的攻勢猛烈使得英國巨龍威爾斯以 0 分作收,尤其更以 Louis Picamoles 和 Yoann Huget 的進攻成為比賽的亮點,但是到了下半場,George North 逮到了機會成功達陣獲得積分之後,不但讓威爾斯巨龍覺醒,更讓整隊的士氣大振,讓儘管在主場的法國藍軍沒有機會再次翻盤,最後以 19:24 輸給威爾斯。

其中比賽最直得茶餘飯後的話題則是 法國隊的 Sebastien Vahaamahina 誤判形勢,在達陣線之前就將球鬆手,這個舉動讓威爾斯隊的 George North 再次逮到機會,直接順手接球之後成功達陣得分。

整場比賽看下來似乎沒有首場 Kick-Off 的那麼猛烈精彩,但是法國對的失誤以及威爾斯的下半場逆轉,最後還是讓這一場比賽成功保持了 2019 Six Nations 首場比賽的精彩熱度。

比賽最佳球員 George North 受訪時也提到:「勝利的滋味當然很美好,對我們而言這是一場重要的比賽,這讓我們在下星期對義大利的比賽也會更加專注。」

The annual rugby event "The Six Nations" finally kicked off. The first match, France vs. Wales was finally defeated by the dragon who was still asleep in the first half.

In the first half, France's offensive violently caused the red dragon to score 0 points, especially with the Louis Picamoles and Yoann Huget, but in the second half, George North caught the opportunity to score a successful touchdown. Not only did the Welsh Dragon awaken, but the morale of the whole team was greatly enhanced, so that although the Les Bleus did not have the opportunity to make another comeback at home, they lost to Wales at 19:24.

One of the most straightforward questions in the game was the French team's Sebastien Vahaamahina misjudged the situation and let the ball go before the line. This move allowed North to seize the opportunity again and succeeded in catching the ball directly and Score.

The whole game didn't seem to be as exciting as the first Kick-Off, but the pairs of Les Bleus’ mistakes and Welsh's second half reversal finally allowed the game to successfully maintain the excitement of the 2019 Six Nations’ first game.

Post-Match Interview, Man of the match George North said,

“A win is huge, it’s all the hard work. For us it’s a good step for a big campaign. We’ll look at this match and then have a big focus for Italy next week.”


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