Pretty Green 的服飾一直都具有濃濃的英國氣息,不敢說是大家對英國紳士般的風格,但是要說是英國的街頭文化卻可以斬釘截鐵地認定。
Pretty Green 在這個春夏再一次的與 The Beatles 合作,搭配著這一次The Beatles 傳奇樂團的跨時代電影 【黃色潛水艇】發行的五十週年紀念,這一次的 Pretty Green x The Beatles 系列將帶你重回 1969年 那個充滿和平與愛的年代。
在這一個特別的系列裡頭, Pretty Green 不但推出了全新的動畫並且推出了以約翰藍儂為靈感的丹寧牛仔外套、重複印花的海灘短褲,並且還呼應動畫裡的圖騰 T-shirt。

對於 Pretty Green 而言,這一次跟【黃色潛水艇】的聯名系列不只是單純的慶祝該電影的發行五十週年,而是想要傳達出『All You Need is Love』的更深層意義。
創意總監 Pat Salter 說到:「非常榮幸能和 The Beatles 和 Apple Corps 第二次合作,這一次【黃色潛水艇】的系列中,我們將動畫化為實際並且獨特的物品,我們整個 Pretty Green 團隊都非常享受在其中。」
不管你在哪個年代生活著、受到哪個年代的音樂影響,你都不可能會錯過 The Beatles 的音樂以及創作旅程,如果你也想穿著音樂並且一起慶祝經過伴著世紀後仍然雋永的作品,那麼 Pretty Green x The Beatles 的【黃色潛水艇】系列就是你不得不關注的春夏街頭時尚以及文化精神。

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Pretty Green is the brand which always have rich vibes of Britain. As we all know, British fashion isn’t only just classic gentlemen style, instead, ‘Street’ Music’ ‘Culture’ are also involved and certainly on the spotlight.
In this Spring/ Summer, Pretty Green launched a new capsule collection with The Beatles ‘Yellow Submarine’. Due to this year marks the 50th anniversary of The Beatle’s legendary film, Pretty Green decides to collaborate with this epic band again. Furthermore, this capsule collection will lead you back the ear which full of love and peace, the 1969.
In this collection, Pretty Green is not just make clothes but also released an animation film for the celebration. If you ever had an opportunity to watched ‘Yellow Submarine’, you will understand the meaning of this new animation by Pretty Green. From the film by Pretty Green, they created the new universe based on ‘Yellow Submarine’ Moreover, the pattern on the swim shorts and t-shirts also can see from the film. In addition, this capsule also has a Lennon-inspired denim jacket. Therefore, if you have mania of The Beatles, you will definitely crazy for this collection.
‘All You Need is Love’ is the deeper meaning that Pretty Green hope you to remember by this capsule. Because we are now all facing the difficult world and different story. For that reason, LOVE is all we need and we need to remember.
Quoted by Pat Salter, Pretty Green Creative Director, “ It’s been a pleasure working with The Beatles and Apple Corps for a second season on the seminal animated film ‘Yellow Submarine’. Thanks to the depth of artistic assets available. It was a unique, fun, cartoon project and something that the PG team thoroughly enjoyed being part of.”
The truth is, no matter which era you born or what kind of music is you genie. You defiantly have been influence by The Beatles. By their legacy and spirit, this capsule collection by Pretty Green will no doubt be your favourite in this Spring/ Summer 2018.