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Dylan Tang

Kent & Curwen 秋冬2020形象廣告/ Kent & Curwen AW20 Campaign

英倫時裝品牌 Kent & Curwen 推出了秋冬 2020 形象廣告。這一次的形象廣告創意總監 Daniel Kearns 將古老英國俱樂部都會做的人像佈置作為靈感,創造出這個從過去汲取精華,幻化至未來的絕妙形象廣告。

當時英國各地運動俱樂部的牆上都掛著身穿制服的球隊照片或個人肖像。因為早期的濕版相機很難在戶外操作,所以當時這些照片通常在室內拍攝,以手繪場景的舞臺佈景板為背景。因此,Kearns 從中汲取靈感,並以倫敦的 Elms Lester Painting Rooms 作為拍攝場地。Elms Lester Painting Rooms 是一棟由Messrs W 及 J Elms Lester於1903年至1904年特別打造的建築,隱身於倫敦市中心,當時主要為沙夫茨伯里大街(Shaftesbury avenue)西區周圍的劇院製作舞臺背景而設,是現今倫敦歷史最悠久且相當知名的塗鴉畫廊。


Kent & Curwen, a British fashion brand, unveiled it's autumn/winter 2020 campaign. This time, the creative director, Daniel Kearns mused from the idea about photos of teams in uniform or individual portraits often found on the walls of the sporting clubs around the UK. Therefore, from history to his story, once again, Kearns created another magnificent campaign.

As you know, the early versions of these photos were often taken indoors with a stage backdrop of painted scenes as the early wet plate cameras where so difficult to operate outdoors. Hence, Kearns took inspiration from this and used The Painting Rooms as the setting, a building custom built in 1903- 1904 by Messrs W & J Elms Lester tucked away in the centre of London designed to create the stage backdrops for the West-end theatres close by on Shaftesbury avenue.

The collection centres around these two characters; the sportsman and the artist both photographer and painter in this context. The sportsman’s wardrobe focuses on heritage sporting pieces of sweats, sweatpants, college scarves and t-shirts all embellished with the signature rose. The artist’s wardrobe has more of a sartorial flair with shearling-collared blousons, parkas, woollen blousons worn with rose patch knits, caps and boots.


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