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Josh Lin

Kai x Gucci聯名系列,一同喚起你與兒時玩伴的美好回憶 /Kai x Gucci Teddy Bear Capsule Collection

早上上學時捨不得和它說再見,晚上一定要和它說聲晚安才肯睡,兒時玩伴泰迪熊(Teddy Bear)陪伴著我們成長,從稚嫩蛻變到成熟,承載著我們無數的童年回憶,那段屬於自己最純真、最歡樂的專屬回憶。

如果那一首歌可以勾起記憶中的美好片段,那麼那隻泰迪熊可以說是述說著自己的童年,而Gucci眼鏡系列形象大使EXO成員KAI(金鐘仁)正是泰迪熊的「頭號粉絲」。此次,Gucci創意總監Alessandro Michele特意以他與泰迪熊之間的故事為啟發,創作出KAI × GUCCI聯名系列,將手繪的泰迪熊繫上藍色領結玩趣點綴這系列,重現親密無間的童年時光以及無比溫柔的親密瞬間。

在韓國攝影師Min Hyunwoo與影片導演Woogie Kim的鏡頭捕捉之下,身穿童趣夢境般聯名系列的KAI與泰迪熊一同穿梭在韓國街頭,展露出舞臺下陽光大男孩的青春模樣,他們一起買氣球、舞蹈、騎行、逛街、野餐、打鬧並驅車同行,與其他泰迪熊小分隊成員會合。書櫃裡、屏風前、陽臺上,甚至是電視機裡,到處都是憨萌可愛的泰迪熊,陪伴著KAI度過美好的午後時光。

除此之外,Gucci更是攜手以創作小熊氣球(Bear Balloon)藝術作品而聞名首爾流行藝術家IM Jibin,試圖在現實中還原夢幻之境、激發系列的無限創意。在Jibin名為《無處不在Everywhere》的藝術裝置中,他讓巨型氣球裝置神秘出現於韓國各地的不同角落,與自然及人文景觀親切互動。而Gucci小熊氣球藝術作品也將成為Jibin《無處不在Everywhere》藝術裝置的一部分,出現在韓國的各個角落。

藝術家Jibin著名的小熊形象繫上藍色領結,完美還原KAI × GUCCI聯名系列中的印花圖案。小熊氣球的正面印有「Hello」簡單、友好的問候語,表達出童年時對泰迪熊的交往與信任的喜悅。

身為聯名系列的主角,褐色的手繪泰迪熊繫上藍色領結和Gucci經典雙G Logo完美結合,無不充滿街頭與休閒風格,無論是男女裝詮釋都盡顯迷人童趣!

經典行李箱與包款也都將主角泰迪熊融入其中,時而以全身造型佔據箱包主要畫面,時而以大頭照造型點綴箱包表面,但都成為米黃色/烏黑色GG Supreme帆布上的俏皮點綴。另外所有箱包款式將也飾有與泰迪熊相近配色的橙色皮革飾邊。

泰迪熊也與品牌經典鞋款碰撞出俏皮童趣,Ace、Rhyton以及Tennis 1977系列運動鞋都點綴有泰迪熊圖案或貼飾、綠紅綠織帶等元素,想要將訴說自己童年的泰迪熊穿上身,可不能放過這個機會!


Our childhood playmate, Teddy Bear, accompanies us to grow up, from immature to maturity, carrying countless childhood memories. That section belongs to my most innocent and happiest exclusive memory.

If a song can evoke the beautiful fragments in memory, then the teddy bear can be said to tell of our childhood, and the Gucci glasses collections ambassador EXO member KAI (Jin Jong-in) is the "number one fan of teddy bears". This time, Alessandro Michele, the creative director of Gucci, especially inspired the story between him and the teddy bear and created the KAI × GUCCI collections. The hand-painted teddy bear was decorated with a blue bow tie to playfully embellish the collections, recreating intimacy. Uninterrupted childhood and extremely tender and intimate moments.

Photographed by South Korean photographer Min Hyunwoo and film director Woogie Kim, KAI and Teddy Bear, wearing a childlike dreamland collection, shuttled through the streets of South Korea. This photography also showing the youthful appearance of the sunny boy on the stage. Together, they Buy balloons, dance, ride, go shopping, have a picnic, play around and drive along, and meet other members of the teddy bear squad. In the bookcase, in front of the screen, on the balcony, and even on the TV, there are cute teddy bears everywhere, accompany KAI to spend a good day.

In addition, Gucci has also joined hands with IM Jibin, a popular Korean artist known for creating Bear Balloon artwork, trying to restore the dreamland in reality and inspire unlimited creativity in the collections. In Jibin's art installation titled Everywhere, he made giant balloon installations mysteriously appear in different corners of Korea, interacting with natural and cultural landscapes. The Gucci bear balloon artwork will also become a part of Jibin's Everywhere art installation, appearing in any way of Korea.

The famous bear new images, created by artist Jibin, wears a blue bow tie, which perfectly restores the printing patterns in the KAI × GUCCI collections. The front of the bear balloon is printed with a simple and friendly greeting of "Hello", which expresses the joy of friendship and trust in teddy bears in childhood.

As the protagonist of the collections, the brown hand-painted teddy bear is perfectly combined with a blue bow tie and Gucci classic double G Logo. It is full of street and casual styles. Both the interpretation of men's and women's clothing is full of charming and childlike!

Classic suitcases and bags also incorporate the protagonist teddy bear. Sometimes the whole body shape occupies the main picture of the bag, and sometimes the big head shape embellishes the surface of the bag, but they all become playful on the beige/black GG Supreme canvas embellishment. In addition, all bag styles will also be decorated with orange leather trim in a colour similar to the teddy bear.

Teddy bears also collide with the brand’s classic shoes to create a playful and childlike style. Ace, Rhyton and Tennis 1977 collections sneakers are all embellished with teddy bear patterns or patches, green, red and green ribbons and other elements. If you want to put on the teddy bear that tells of your childhood, you can't really let this opportunity go!


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