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H&M x Giambattista Valli 秋冬2019形象廣告/ H&M x Giambattista Valli AW19 Campaign

Dylan Tang

H&M 與義大利高級訂製服品牌 Giambattista Valli 聯手推出了能夠符合市場需求的高級快速時裝;所謂的高級訂製服,一直都是屬於女性們的專利,但是這一次瑞典快時尚品牌,不僅要讓所有人都能夠在這個冬天「高級」的感覺,更要讓所有為了生活打拼的人們,都能夠負擔高級訂製的視覺饗宴。

Giambattista Valli 在2005年成立了同名品牌,並從那一年開始,他的名聲大噪,現在今已經成為高級訂製服界的知名品牌,不僅是各大名人在紅毯上選擇的首選,更是義大利時尚界的新潮流領頭羊之一。

這一次 H&M 與 Giambattista Valli 的聯名系列,將會在十一月七日上市,如果想要體會義大利的高級時裝,那麼這一個款式就是不能錯過的最佳選擇。當然,除了重點單品外,男性這一次的宮殿氣質設計,也非常直得注目,不僅有將壁畫作為印花的款式,更將歐洲宮殿裡的花朵的色彩作為男女裝中畫龍點睛的呈現。

H&M x Giambattista Valli 的形象廣告由攝影師 Mert & Marcus 操刀、造型師 Melanie Ward 整頓,並且有演員 Cameron Monaghan 以及模特兒 Luka Isaac 一起呈現這個秋冬負擔得起的高級訂製時尚。

H&M and Italian haute couture brand Giambattista Valli are going to launched their capsule collection in this winter. Like everyone says, Haute Couture basically is only for women but this time, H&M is going to break the rule, alongside with Giambattista Valli, Men are also can enjoy this highest fashion at the end of this year.

Giambattista Valli established in 2005, his' eponymous brand only in this industry one and half decade, however, quality is everything. Valli is the name which no one will forget and everyone fond of works with.

This capsule collection will in-store on 7th November. If anyone wants to feel what is 'Haute Couture' or 'High Fashion' (whatever you want to call) you don't want and will not miss this opportunity. Besides, if you can wear like a noble and also affordable. Why will you not do it?

This campaign is photographed by Mert & Marcus and styled by Melanie Ward. Furthermore, you can enjoy the beauty of actor Cameron Monaghan and model Luka Isaac at the same time.

This campaign is photographed by Mert & Marcus and styled by Melanie Ward. Furthermore, you can enjoy the beauty of actor Cameron Monaghan and model Luka Isaac at the same time.

This campaign is photographed by Mert & Marcus and styled by Melanie Ward. Furthermore, you can enjoy the beauty of actor Cameron Monaghan and model Luka Isaac at the same time.






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