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Dylan Tang

Rado 全新庫克船長 為探險加入優秀夥伴/ Captain Cook presents the new Rado journey


瑞士腕錶品牌 Rado,在春暖花開之際又推出了全新的庫克船長腕錶。這一次推出的Caption Cook 要以 Feel It 為主軸,讓每一位喜歡手腕賞配戴計時商品的人,都能跟上船長的腳步一起在偉大的航道上永遠探索。


睽違一年,王柏傑再次為了Rado 庫克船長系列強勢出席。對優秀作品不斷的王柏傑來說,他的人生就像是庫克船長一樣,每一年都在打破自己人生的巔峰。王柏傑還特別提到:「我對這次新版本的庫克船長的高科技陶瓷版本覺得更舒適,而且膠帶的設計,讓我在都會圈裡面走著都覺得更時尚。」他補充:「而且不管上山下海,戶外活動我都很喜歡,所以最新的庫克船長系列不只百搭,更讓我在不同場合都可以做出很棒的搭配。」

新的一年 新的羈絆

Rado 雷達表在腕錶產業界有「材質大師」的美名,從之前高科技陶瓷的熱銷經驗,這一次庫克船長系列披上高科技陶瓷的外衣,目的就是要像上述所說,邀請喜愛這個系列的藏家一同盡情享受人生,並且透過探討時間、討論材質及設計,來為2021增添其他色彩。


2021年版本的Caption Cook 除了搭載了 R734機芯,更使用抗磨損以及抗過敏的高科技陶瓷材質。除此之外,拋光黑色高科技陶瓷錶圈以及霧面電漿色,為改版後的庫克船長帶更威猛卻同時間有一絲溫柔的氛圍。

不過之所以能夠成為船長,本身的內涵也得格外堅強。這一次Captain Cook 的防水性能一樣高達300米,還透過最新的 R374 保持80小時的動力保存,並在抗磁、抗震、耐溫維持高水準,並讓走時能夠更精準。




If you care what you like, you won’t miss anything in your field. Every year, every good will unveil a new collection. This business behaviour isn’t just in fashion but also in the watch industry.

Rado, the Swiss watch brand, unveil the latest collection of Caption Cook. According to what it said, ‘Since the pandemic, they step back, take it also but never inactive.’ Therefore, surrounding by FEEL IT, the new theme, Caption Cook has a new face and invites you to be its partner on the road.

Again, Po-Chieh Wang join Captain Cook

It’s been a while, one year after Captain Cook put on his wrist, Po-Chieh Wang joins Captain’s journey once again.

Captain Cook reaches a new peak this year, haven’t say that Po-Chieh Wang consistently reaches his peak year by year. ‘I think the new version of Captain Cook is more comfortable. Its high-tech ceramic is magnificent and the rubber strap enhances my fashion. Besides, outdoor activity is my gem. Therefore, the latest version of Captain Cook is the must-have this season.”

New Year, New bonding

If you ask who is the Master of Material in the watch industry, Rado will be the name you will be given. Aforementioned, if you want to join Captain Cook on the road, you must follow up its new technology and appearance.

Calibre R734 and new design

The 2021 version of Captain Cook has a new heart named Calibre R734. This Calibre provides a better stretch resistance. Furthermore, the new Calibre, the latest Captain Cook, also contains the 80 hours power reserve and 300m water-prove technic. If you want to try the better watch, Captain Cook will be your first choice.

Bigger and Braver

Continuing the story, we aren’t only showing how a new watch can give it to you; we are providing a real point to convince you.

Three pieces of sapphire crystal, the case with high-tech ceramic, and 43mm bigger size are three remarkable points that will be your eye-catching highlights.


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