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紀念未來 雷達表True Square高科技陶瓷特別版/ To the Future, Rado offers you the True Square special edition

Rado瑞士雷達表與英國工業設計工程師 Tej Chauhan 推出True Square 高科技陶瓷特別版。這是第一款由高科技陶瓷製成的方形腕錶,霧光黃色高科技陶瓷錶殼彰顯高性能材質的獨特質感,底蓋採用拋光深灰色PVD塗層不鏽鋼,並帶有藍寶石水晶玻璃鏡面和特殊鐫刻;黃色枕形皮革元素製成的錶帶由高科技陶瓷鍊節連接提供舒適的配戴度。

「情感工業設計」是這只True Square 真我方形系列高科技陶瓷 Tej Chauhan 特別版腕錶的設計理念,也是Tej Chauhan最廣為人知且著名的設計手法。Tej Chauhan於訪談中提到這項合作的設計靈感來自流行文化、電影、字體與色彩理論之中經久不衰的未來主義願景。對於他來說,善於利用創新材質並走在製錶界前端的瑞士雷達表正是詮釋自己心目中「不久的將來」的最佳合作夥伴:「我們從策略上運用形狀、色彩和材質,就是為了激發人們心中的歡樂情緒。這種由材質、色彩和鮮明對比共同構成的基礎,使得跟雷達表合作成為自然而然的選擇,而在此次的合作中,我也希望突顯雷達表在材質上的創新,透過『感性工業設計』來實現,引起人們對於高科技陶瓷的關注。」


Rado, a Swiss watch brand, collaborates with British industrial designer Tej Chauhan launched a special edition of True Square. This special edition has a yellow high-tech ceramic case and high-performance materials. The back cover is made of polished dark grey PVD-coated stainless steel and has sapphire glass.

"Emotional and industrial design" is the concept of this True Square special edition. It has Tej Chauhan's most well-known and famous design technique. Tej Chauhan mentioned in the interview that the design of this collaboration inspired by the enduring futuristic vision of pop culture, film, font and colour. For him, Rado is good at using innovative materials and is the best partner to interpret his own "coming future". We use shapes, colours and materials strategically to inspire joy in people's hearts. This foundation composed of materials, colours and sharp contrasts make it a natural choice to cooperate with Rado. In this cooperation, I also hope to highlight the materiality of Rado. Innovation, realized through "perceptual industrial design", has aroused people's attention to high-performance materials."


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