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  • Dylan Tang

超越想像 Alessandro 打造的Gucci 展覽/ Beyond your imagination, Alessandro presents Gucci Garden Archetypes

今年算是Gucci輝煌的一年吧?畢竟幾個月前推出與哆拉A夢的聯名、金球獎上 Jared Leto的演繹,以及Harry Styles在葛萊美獎的紅毯、舞台和 Beloved 脫口秀的時裝穿搭示範。對這個歡度100週年的品牌來說,似乎已經沒有什麼能被定義為「無法超越」的事。

ARIA 時尚詠歎調

隨著Gucci 慶祝滿100年的歡樂氣氛,創意總監Alessandro Michele 推出了名為《ARIA 時尚詠歎調》的時尚大秀。Alessandro 接掌這個義大利品牌已經六年,這場秀無疑是他展現屬於他自己的時尚品味和品牌定調的重要大秀。他引用了美國詩人艾蜜莉.狄金生的詩「大自然是一所鬧鬼的房子。而藝術,則是一所裝神弄鬼的房子。」從擷取的文字裡不難發現,為什麼這幾年Gucci 的作品都有些詩意且富有難以捉摸的美感。

Gucci Garden Archetypes原典

此外,歡度100週年並不只是辦場秀或找明星來示範穿搭那麼簡單。為了呈現Gucci 近幾年的獨特歷史,Alessandro Michele在義大利的佛羅倫斯策劃一場由他自2015年接掌品牌以來的精采展覽。

Control room
Control room

《Gucci Garden Archetypes原典》不僅展現出Gucci 的設計美學,更置入了沈浸式的多媒體體驗,無非就是要讓每個人都能再次體驗這位出身義大利的設計師,如何將義大利時尚巨擘站穩時尚產業的龍頭地位。

Cruise 2020 ‘Come AsYouAre RSVP’
Cruise 2020 ‘Come AsYouAre RSVP’
Spring Summer 2016 ‘Rebellious Romantics’
Spring Summer 2016 ‘Rebellious Romantics’
「我認為,這前6年的冒險十分精彩,我們邀請並陪伴人們穿越異想、敘事、驚喜、輝煌。因此,我創造了一個投射形象廣告中情緒的遊樂場,而它們正是通往我意象世界的捷徑,」擔任展覽策展人的Alessandro Michele說道。
Pre-fall 2017 ‘Soul Scene’
Pre-fall 2017 ‘Soul Scene’

《Gucci Garden Archetypes原典》展覽將延續Alessandro Michele的想像之旅,這是一個創意展,也是一個視覺和驚喜收藏展,並有著文化界人士的原創文字增添光彩,包括藝術評論家Achille Bonito Oliva、哲學家Emanuele Coccia、藝術家和研究員Anna Franceschini、策展人Antwaun Sargent以及永續發展文化顧問Shaway Yeh。


We all have to admit that this year is a remarkable year for Gucci. After all, a few months ago, Gucci launched a collaboration with Japanese cartoon icon, Doraemon. Besides, this Italian fashion brand had Jared Leto's interpretation at the Golden Globes, and Harry Styles demonstrated on the Grammy Awards’ red carpet, stage and Beloved talk show. For this brand celebrating its 100th anniversary, there seems to be nothing that can be defined as "unsurpassed".

Gucci Beauty Lipsitck‘Gucci Beauty Network’
Gucci Beauty Lipsitck‘Gucci Beauty Network’

The Fashion Show, ARIA

With the joyous atmosphere of Gucci celebrating 100 years, creative director Alessandro Michele launched a fashion show called ARIA. This show was undoubtedly an important show for him to show his own fashion taste and brand setting. After all, he has taken over the Italian brand for six years. He quoted the American poet Emily. Dickens’ poem "Nature is a haunted house but Art is a house that tries to be haunted.”

From the poem he chose, we are not difficult to find why Gucci’s goods are poetic and elusive beauty in recent years.

Gucci Garden Archetypes

In addition, celebrating the 100th anniversary is not just about hosting a show or finding celebrities to demonstrate how to wear it. In order to present the unique history of Gucci, Alessandro Michele planned a splendid exhibition in Florence, Italy. What’s in the exhibition? It shows Gucci’s philosophy since Alessandro took over the brand in 2015.

Gucci Garden Archetypes is not only shown the design aesthetics of Gucci but also incorporates an immersive multimedia experience. It is nothing more than to let everyone experience the Italian-born designer again and how to make the Italian fashion giant keep the leading position of the fashion industry.

"I think the adventures in the first six years are very exciting. We invite and accompany people through whims, narratives, surprises, and brilliance. Therefore, I created a playground that projects the emotions in the campaigns, and they are the gateway to me. A shortcut to the world" Alessandro Michele

The Gucci Garden Archetypes exhibition will continue Alessandro Michele's creativity. This is an exhibition with original texts by cultural figures to add brilliance, including art critic Achille Bonito Oliva, philosopher Emanuele Coccia, artist and researcher Anna Franceschini, curator Antwaun Sargent, and sustainable development cultural consultant Shaway Yeh.

Control room
Control room


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