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  • Dylan Tang

跟著 Fond of Rudy 一起體驗夏日的青春脈動 / Groove with Fond of Rudy, OMG!

Fond of Rudy,四人編制的獨立搖滾樂團;在Soundcloud 上推出了最新的單曲 'OMG!' 這也是他們即將發行的第二張EP 'TWO' 裡會收入的第三首歌曲。從2016年推出首張EP 'ONE' 至今,這個在 倫敦以及布萊登 遊走的樂團,因為主打扣人心弦而非俗套的創作,讓他們的知名度迅速在兩地蔓延開來,在二零一六年共推出了六首單曲,對於獨立樂團來說,Fond of Rudy 可以說是非常的多產!

Si (drums), Otto (bass), Matt (vocals), Ross (guitar)

二零一六年年底,他們更推出了兩首單曲 The Line 以及 Say Something,如果你也聽過這兩首歌曲,便會發現他們在二零一七年四月,獲得英國廣播電台BBC 的 BBC Introducing London 的首選其實不過是實至名歸罷了。

OMG! 是一首完完全全的夏日單曲,從輕快的曲風到歌詞都讓人期待今年夏天的到來!這首OMG! 也找來 Kasabian, Duffy 和 London Grammar 的製作人 Martin Hannah 一同合作,今年夏天,如果不想要跟往常一樣被電子音樂轟炸的話,現在就把這首歌加入到你的2017夏日播放清單吧!


More Information & Where to Buy

Fond of Rudy, a four pieces indie pop band. They put their latest record 'OMG!' on soundcloud on 21st of April, which is going to be their third one in their coming EP 'TWO'. Since 2016, this London/ Brighton band has already build their fans and expand their fame through the heartfelt chord and touching lyrics. They had in total six songs have released last year. For an indie band, Fond of Rudy is a really productivity band.

Fond of Rudy also is the champion of BBC introducing London. They've honored in April 2017. If you have ever an opportunity to listened their last single 'Say Something' and 'The Line'. You hundred percent will dying to listen 'OMG!'

OMG! is completely a summery song. The breezy tone and stroy-telling lyrics will let you listen all year around. The producer of this song is Martin Hannah, who is also a producer of Kasabian, Duffy and London Grammar.

You shouldn't have a second thought for this song. Once you click it you won't stop it. Now, Put this song into your 2017 Summer Playlist.

Photography from Fond of Rudy Facebook

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