今天 (十月一日)的夜晚你準備好了嗎?對臺北來說,今天晚上將舉辦一個盛大的派對,一個一絲天光都看不到的重量級派對!
「白晝之夜」(法文:Nuit Blanche;緣自莎士比亞,意思是無眠之夜)是在一個月的第一個星期結束的星期六與日間舉辦的活動,這個一年只舉辦一次的活動將會帶給你嶄新的城市面貌!而今年也是臺北第一次參與這個國際盛事。

October 1st 2016 is an important day for Taipei. Well, actually, an important night in this particular case. Our beloved sun is not invited to this party.
On the first week-end of the month, during the night of Saturday till Sunday, is held the first edition of Taipei’s “Nuit Blanche”(sleepless night, in the language of Shakespeare. White night being the direct translation). Nuit Blanche is an annual all-night arts festival giving you the opportunity to discover a new facet of your city.
The idea originated in Paris, and even though it has spread around the world, with events in over 120 cities, Taipei is only the second city in Asia(Kyoto was the first) to adopt it. The initiative comes from the Taipei city government who is certainly aware of the positive impact this manifestation can have on a metropolis’ image and attractively. But this won’t benefit the city only, if people from Taipei will get their slice of the pie as well (if you are into visual or performing arts, this goes without saying), local artists might also receive the exposure they have been waiting for to blow up.

Facilities, spectacles, musical creations and more will redefine for one night the landscape of Taiwan’s capital.This occasion connects people all around the world, but the taiwanese one goes further by building bridges between times. Bringing history and modern times together.
Through the Beimen neighborhood, the historic Dadaocheng, walking along the eclectic bookstores on Chongqing South Street, reaching up to the 228 Peace Memorial Park and the National Taiwan Museum. Through the countless stories of politics, culture, everyday life, the 2016 Nuit Blanche Taipei invites everyone to experience and creating the collective memories of Taipei’s West side being transformed by multimedia artworks, contemporary musicians and performances, and bringing new energies with refreshing perspectives to the city.
The early sleepers might not be enthusiastic about this but it’s only once a year after all, and with some coffee and some young artists overflowing energy, you could very well enjoy the rediscovery of your dear city.

2016 Nuit Blanche Taipei official website(program, map and more)
Photos from the official website
Translated by Dylan Tang