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Taylor Morris; 再現英式的簡約精緻設計/ Taylor Morris; A British elegance and sophistication

Tracy Wang


一個來自英國倫敦的設計師品牌Taylor Morris在2013年創立,旨意要提供高品質以及合理價格的太陽眼鏡,產品系列靈感來自文化、生活與時尚偶像,再現英式的時尚與高雅,更重要的是千年不敗的款式受到大家的喜愛,堅持使用偏光鏡片更能有效的濾除強光、顏色也更加鮮明,也更能減輕疲勞、增加舒適感。

旅遊、探險、冒險以及對美的一種激昂領出了最新系列「The Explorer Collection」,重塑經典框架、染上摩登設計,The Explorer Collection使用帶有金屬感設計的鏡片融合趣味的框架,多了一種未來感。

在這系列中:The Explorer、George Arthur、The RollRight、The Zero 4款本著品牌的設計精神,給予不同臉型、不同選擇,其中的「The explorer」和「George Arthur」是第一次亮相。

The Explorer : 系列同名,飛行員風格設計,中段的橡膠使鏡框更加耐用,適合愛旅遊的你/妳。

George Arthur : 名字取自兩設計師的中間名,一款中性設計適合男性與女性。

The RollRight : 兩款奢華設計上市,限量100架18K金屬框的Gold Ivory RollRight在法國純手工製作,而Black Ivory RollRight則是特別於霧面鏡片,想獨一無二,就千萬別錯過。

The Zero : 名字來源於全平面鏡片設計,青銅與玳瑁色設計是此系列新秀,給你一種高雅又時髦的風格。


Sunglass has become one of essential element during summer time. A high-quality sunglass has not only able to protect your beautiful eyes but also embellishes your outfit into something unique.

Taylor Morris, a British eyewear designer brand, based in London founded in 2013. The mission of Taylor Morris was to offer highest possible quality eyewear at the most competitive price. The collection inspiration comes from culture, lifestyle and fashion icons that drawing the individuality in their latest collection. It presents British sartorial elegance and fashion image. The timeless and wearable styles over future decades catch people’s attention. They use polarized lenses in each sunglass in order to reduce glare, enhance the world’s true vivid colour in detail as well as eliminates eyes strain. It therefore brings the comfort to our eyes.

Travel, discovery, exploration and excitement of beauty lead this latest collection “ The Explorer Collection”. This collection utilizes metallic lenses and a palate of distinctively patterned and colored acetates. It appears a sense of futuristic style. The Explorer Collection : The Explorer、George Arthur、The RollRight、The Zero, this four designs remain its design ethos and give different choices to different face shapes.「The explorer」and「George Arthur」are new to the market.

The Explorer : Synonymous with the collection name. The frame is aviator in style and with a rubber sweatbar making extra durable. An ultimate pair for who like traveling around the world.

George Arthur : Name comes from founders’ middle name. An unisex addition is suitable to men and women.

The RollRight : Two new luxury designs are introduced. A limited addition “Gold Ivory RollRight” with 18 carat gold frames is only 100 pieces in production, which are hand-made in France. Another new member joins to RollRight family is Black Ivory RollRight with matte finish. An unique-style seeker will not miss it.

The Zero : A name derives from the 0 base flat lenses. Gunmetal finish and traditional tortoiseshell are added into this collection, which give you a sophisticated and chic look.

Twitter: @taylormorrisldn

Instagram: : @taylormorrisldn

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