英國日式連鎖餐廳龍頭 Wagamama 從去年開始便一直致力於和其他品牌進行聯名活動,而最新的聯名就是和日本時裝品牌 Michiko Koshino 一起合作,設計出他們最新的制服。

如果你也熟撚倫敦時裝週的話,那麼 Michiko Koshino 的名字對你而言就不會是一個陌生的名字,其實 Koshino 在每一次推出最新例列的同時都會把日本的元素也應用在符合西方文化的時裝上,而這也是為什麼 Wagamama 會與 Michiko Koshino 的原因,因為只有本是同根生的背景,才能創作出與眾不同而且經驗大家的結果。
這一次 Wagamama 的新制服以 T-shirt 和圍裙為主,除了將Wagamama的商業化考量到以外更在剪裁和顏色的使用上將亞洲與英國的元素結合再一起。

設計師 Michiko Koshino 說到: 「這是我的榮幸能夠與倫敦指標性的餐廳 Wagamama 合作;關於信仰,我們總是非常堅定地相信著,而這一起的合作更是能夠將日本的文化與時尚做完美的結合。」
Wagamama的品牌總監 Ollie Payne 補充道:「當我們知道Michiko Koshino 要幫我們設計制服我們感到非常受寵若驚,,因為我們一直想要創造出能夠承襲日本文化但又時尚的東西,而我們相信在這一點上沒有人能夠做得比 Michiko 更好。」

Wagamama, the British restaurant chain, made a collection with fashion designer Michiko Koshino. This is not the first time that Wagamama works with other brands, but this this is the first time ever, Wagamama from High-Street to High-Fashion.
If you know something about London Fashion Week, then you must know who is Michiko Koshino. In fact, the reason why Koshino is well-known is because every collection she launched she always reserved Japanese culture. Hence, you won’t ever missed her if you really care about London Fashion Week. Aforementioned, Michiko Koshino is an expert to create fashion with her own root, and that’s why when Wagamama was looking for a Capsule Collection, they straight away aimed to the name MIHICKO KOSHINO. She is the only one who has able satisfied what Wagamama’s universe.
The uniform comprises of a t-shirt and an apron, and is inspired by Michiko’s cult following and the commercialism of Wagamama. The silhouettes and use of colour, black and khaki, resonate with British & Asian cultures while having modern streetwear characteristics which will appeal to the Wagamama audience.
Designer Michiko Koshino, says:
“I am so happy about this collaboration with Wagamama, it was an honour to design the uniforms for such an iconic restaurant in London. I am a firm believer in the synergy between food and fashion and this collaboration's success is proof of that, the perfect fusion of our Japanese cultures."
Ollie Payne, Head of Brand at Wagamama, added:
“We were overwhelmed that Michiko Koshino wanted to create the new uniform for our noodle lab restaurant. We really wanted to create something that was a nod towards our Japanese heritage yet forward thinking and innovative. We couldn’t think of anyone better than Michiko to achieve that.”