Tom Ford 的2018春夏女裝系列,再次證明 Ford 是紐約時裝界之王!
Tom Ford 的最新設計充斥著九零年代的復古氣氛,有人解釋為老土、過時;不過,事實上卻是證實時尚產業總是不斷循環流轉,而且 Ford 也是在時尚產業裡再度引起風潮的時尚影響者。
這次時裝秀以模特兒 Binx Walton 穿著一襲金色洋裝開場,披在肩膀上的西裝外套宛如九零年代對於女強人的印象復刻;搭配上 David Bowie 的 “FRAME“ ,這場時裝秀就這樣已完整的氛圍揭開序幕。

整場時裝秀簡單得分為三個不同系列,由穿著正裝的女模特兒開始出場、再來以洋裝和運動裝作為區別;最後,當音樂漸緩,由超級名模 Gigi Hadid 穿著一襲粉紫色晚禮服優雅地呈現這場秀的最後一個組合;整場三十七件的最新女裝,Ford 將美國的時裝重新融合再一起,並且將風格迥異的東岸與西岸以時裝連接起來,創造出只有他自己能夠創作出的2018春夏女裝觀點。

Tom Ford 在秀後這樣說:「我曾經在LA 生活過,在那裡,大部分的女性幾乎一整天都穿著運動服,但是到了晚上,他們都穿著非常華麗的晚禮服。」

在這場時裝秀結束之後,大家口徑一致地稱讚這場秀實在是『他媽的太棒了!(Fucking Fabulous) 』,除了是實際的稱讚這場完整的秀之外,這個口號也是來自於 Ford 的最新香水 ‘Fucking Fabulous'。

Tom Ford a.k.a. King of King of Fashion in New York.
His Spring/Summer 2018 Collection tells everything.
Tom Ford's latest collection in New York brought us back to the 90s era. Some people said his SS18 is out of fashion, but, if it's your claim then you must don't know fashion, yet you don't know Tom Ford.
This show started with Binx Walton who wore the golden dress with the pink stilettos. This look was emphasised the businesswoman vibes and perfectly matched with David Bowie's ''FRAME'' in the beginning of this fashion trip.

Ford's spring/summer2018 collection basically has three different parts. First of all is the businesswoman look. Secondly is the dress with sportswear. In the end, there has the classic evening dress to bring all of us into designer's ideal world. The Texan Fashion designer created in total 37 womenswear in this latest fashion show. Furthermore, His universe had clearly presented to the world. He combined the East and West style from the States even each side has entirely different style. Tom Ford still can make it happened, due to his imagination and from his bottom of heart what he really wants to devote to fashion in this chaotic world.
“I’ve been living in L.A. and people wear sports clothes in the daytime, and in the evening they wear mega eveningwear,” Ford said, post-show.

“It had to be luxe. And my woman has always been sexy. If you’re wearing some leather pants with just a swimsuit, it seemed like the right thing.”
To sum up Ford's SS18 show in New York Fashion Week. We only can say it's ''Fucking Fabulous''.
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