西班牙時裝品牌 Palomo Spain 的秋冬形象廣告找來了知名影像製作者 Matt Lambert 完成一系列火辣的平面影像作品;透過 Lambert 的巧手,和Palomo Sapin 強大的品牌形象,這個冬天想要不火辣真的很難!
Palomo Spain 的時裝設計一直都保持著一貫的中性風格,不僅男性、女性,只要敢穿在身上,那麼就是能夠搭配上自己個性的最棒服飾;姑且不論生理上的性別怎麼區分,只要能夠有自信地面對自己心中最直接了當地那一位,那麼所有性別的隔閡與阻礙就再也不會存在。
除了表現出情慾之外,模特兒間的巧妙搭配也不得不讓人佩服攝影師 Matt Lambert 的功力。透過男性間身體互相交纏再一起的費洛蒙、不避諱做出類似口愛的姿勢,到最後輕鬆地喝著不知名飲品的輕鬆愉悅;這一組形象廣告的張力真的洋洋灑灑地跳脫出2D影像的限制,完整地呈現在世人面前。
Palomo Spain, the Spanish fashion brand unveiled Autumn/Winter 2019 Campaign. As usual, this photography wasn't just exotic but stimulated everyone's fantasy for sex. This season, Palomo Spain cooperated with well-known photographer Matt Lambert. Through this genius lens and skills, you won't feel any TURNDOWN but definitely TURN you ON.
Menswear, unisex or whatever you call it. Palomo Spain's deigning theme has always strong and clear. As long as you brave enough, you can wear their clothes no matter what. In fact, it just likes what we born to be, apart from the biological character, once you look at yourself deeply it's not difficult to find out who you are and where you tend to be. No matter what, self-confidence can break any barriers in any field.
In this campaign, the pheromone is everywhere, just like the theme of this brand. There are no barriers, these things vanish in their world. Palomo Spain's autumn/winter 2019 campaign, along with Matt Lambert's extraordinary skill, isn't just stuck at 2D but jump out to your face. Poetic and full of imagery.