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  • Dylan Tang

Narciso Rodriguez 2018春夏女裝系列/ Narciso Rodriguez Spring/Summer'18 RTW

Narciso Rodriguez 的最新2018春夏女裝系列,在紐約時裝週以不落俗套的方式慶祝了該品牌成立的第二十週年

設計師 Narciso Rodriguez 受到記者訪問時說道:「時裝秀很精彩沒錯,但是你卻會逐漸開始感到疲乏而且迷失」;有別其他品牌總是以鋪裝華麗的方式來慶祝成立週年慶,這次的紐約時裝週 Narciso Rodriguez 只使用了最新系列發表會的方式來展現最新的設計。

Rodriguez 對他的2018春夏女裝做出這樣的解釋:「我回歸到我最喜歡的;剪裁、羊毛,刺繡。」

在這個數量不多的最新系列中,你會發現 Rodriguez 的確身體力行地發揮自己所愛的元素,而不是為了追求媒體曝光所吹噓自己的設計。在他的最新系列中,你也會發現簡單的黑、白、紅單純的搭配再一起,但是卻產生強烈地視覺效果。

Narciso Rodriguez celebrated his 20th anniversary in New York Fashion Week, with his latest Spring/Summer 2018 Collection.

Rodriguez said “Shows are exciting, but you can start to feel like you’re getting lost in the shuffle,” ; indeed, most of brands keen on using a fancy, glamours party or event to celebrate their anniversary, however, Narciso Rodriguez doesn't on this cliche way. Instead, he only presented what are he beloved to commemorate this company's 20th birthday.

“I went back went to things that I really love — tailoring, wool, embroidery.”

Rodriguez described his latest collection.

This collection may not have as many as other brands, yet Narciso Rodriguez literally did what he said. He didn't bluff anyone to get more exposure. Furthermore, Narciso Rodriguez also created a strongest visual impact by the simple colour, Black, White and Red in this SS18 ready-to-wear.


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