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倫敦男裝週 2019秋冬男裝開跑 / London Fashion Week Men's AW19 is on fire

Dylan Tang

(L-R Paria Farzaneh, Liam Hodges, Nicholas Daley, Dylan Jones, Caroline Rush, Samuel Ross and Per Götesson)

Shot by Darren Gerrish on the roof of Truman Brewery to celebrate LFWM January 2019.

2019 年倫敦男裝週已經開始!這一次是倫敦第十三次舉辦專屬於男性時裝的專屬發表會;而在這一次的2019秋冬的男裝系列裡頭,倫敦維持了一樣的風格『創新』,不但有來自英國的本土設計師,更有來自國際間的男裝設計師一同在這個四大時裝周理頭髮表最新系列。



“根據Mintel 的統計,英國2018年的男裝消費成長了百分之五點一,並且達到總金額 15.9億英鎊的數子。而從現在開始算起的五年內(至2023年)英國的男裝可望達到總市值的百分之二十六,而女裝則可以佔到百分之五十一;總消費金額可以成長百分之二十五,進而達到76億英鎊。”

今年的倫敦男裝週也選在東倫敦的 Truman Berwery 作為給設計發表最新創意的地方;動態的時裝秀會集中在這個週末也就是 一月六日及七日在東倫敦這個富有強烈創意氛圍的地點展現,而在星期一則會將靜態秀集中在倫敦市中心。

除此以外,曾獲三次英國最佳男裝設計師的 Craig Green 也將在星期一帶著得獎設計師的光環舉辦2019秋冬男裝時裝秀;除了有得獎設計師之外,這一場 London Fashion Week Men's 也有著新星 ART SCHOOL 、A-COLD-WALL* 、COTTWEILER, Kiko Kostadinov 、 Phoebe English 和 Kent & Curwen 都會一起參與這場盛事。

The 13th edition of London Fashion Week Men’s (LFWM) launches tomorrow as a celebration of discovery and the creative diversity that has made London an international hub for menswear. The bi-annual showcase of the most creative and innovative names in the fashion industry takes place throughout the city from Saturday 5 - Monday 7 January 2019 and features over 40 designer businesses showcasing their latest collections. Celebrating London’s diversity, LFWM is a three-day city-wide celebration of creative talent, welcoming guests from over 35 countries.

Today, the British Fashion Council is delighted to announce new data for the menswear fashion industry:

"Mintel estimates that consumer spending menswear has grown 5.1% to reach £15.9 billion in 2018. Menswear now accounts for 26% of the total clothing market, whilst womenswear accounts for 51% Consumer spending on clothing is forecast to rise 25% to £76 billion in the next five years to 2023 Mintel, 2018 "

This January the hub of LFWM will be at a new location, the Truman Brewery, in the heart of London’s East End, located close to the home of many of our British designer businesses. Saturday and Sunday’s shows will be located around the East End and Monday’s schedule will be focused around central London. From music and art to creative communities and fashion, the LFWM schedule is a unique mix of catwalk shows, presentations, DiscoveryLAB, Designer Showrooms and events which will shine a light on the depth and breadth of our creative industry.

CRAIG GREEN, three-time winner of British Designer of the Year Menswear at the Fashion Awards in partnership with Swarovski, will present a catwalk show on Monday. All Fashion Awards 2018 British Emerging Talent Menswear nominees feature on the LFWM schedule. ART SCHOOL will kick-start the weekend with their first on schedule catwalk show on Saturday morning while British Emerging Talent Menswear winner A-COLD-WALL* will show on Monday. COTTWEILER, Kiko Kostadinov and Phoebe English will also be showing over the weekend.



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